"HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 405.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 405.0 1 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 1.0762E+00 8.8737E-01 9.6682E-01 1.0783E+00 1.0365E+00 1.005 1.1321E+00 1.1129E+00 1.1245E+00 1.1324E+00 1.1140E+00 2.005 1.1240E+00 1.1160E+00 1.1406E+00 1.1241E+00 1.0137E+00 3.005 1.1019E+00 8.7391E-01 1.1189E+00 1.1049E+00 4.7023E-01 4.005 1.0802E+00 -1.6417E-01 1.0620E+00 1.1125E+00 -4.3393E-01 4.995 1.0498E+00 -1.4779E+00 1.7918E-01 1.5267E+00 -7.4327E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.5018E-03 0.0888 0.4246 0.2219 0.3307 0.000 2.1284E-03 0.0111 0.7652 0.3675 0.7396 1.000 2.1766E-03 0.0120 0.7308 0.3428 0.7040 2.000 2.2825E-03 0.0121 0.7363 0.3430 0.7090 3.000 3.1179E-03 0.0131 0.7506 0.3656 0.7214 4.000 9.2803E-03 0.0251 0.7646 0.4806 0.7167 5.000 5.1162E-02 0.1607 0.7709 0.5000 0.5185 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 5.6180E-01 4.9916E-02 1.5479E+00 1.4055E-03 2.5018E-03 0.000 5.1760E-01 5.7352E-03 6.9204E-01 1.1017E-03 2.1284E-03 1.000 1.6994E-01 2.0437E-03 2.3851E-01 3.6989E-04 2.1766E-03 2.000 5.4871E-02 6.6296E-04 7.6454E-02 1.2524E-04 2.2825E-03 3.000 1.8022E-02 2.3583E-04 2.4657E-02 5.6192E-05 3.1179E-03 4.000 6.0532E-03 1.5217E-04 8.2338E-03 5.6176E-05 9.2803E-03 5.000 2.0778E-03 3.3397E-04 3.3631E-03 1.0631E-04 5.1162E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.7971 3.2110 4.0081 0.8011 0.01961 0.00611 1.000 0.7971 3.2110 4.0081 0.8011 0.01961 0.00611 2.000 0.7971 3.2110 4.0081 0.8011 0.01961 0.00611 3.000 0.7971 3.2110 4.0081 0.8011 0.01961 0.00611 4.000 0.7971 3.2110 4.0081 0.8011 0.01961 0.00611 5.000 0.7971 3.2110 4.0081 0.8011 0.01961 0.00611 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 415.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 415.0 2 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 9.6128E-01 7.7299E-01 8.5211E-01 9.6362E-01 9.1902E-01 1.005 1.0165E+00 9.8692E-01 1.0037E+00 1.0169E+00 9.8355E-01 2.005 1.0136E+00 9.8327E-01 1.0267E+00 1.0140E+00 8.4600E-01 3.005 9.9587E-01 7.0486E-01 1.0099E+00 1.0004E+00 2.8686E-01 4.005 9.7688E-01 -2.2394E-01 9.5189E-01 1.0153E+00 -4.2639E-01 4.995 9.4808E-01 -1.3062E+00 1.5083E-01 1.3978E+00 -6.5845E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.5546E-03 0.0886 0.4271 0.2255 0.3334 0.000 2.3444E-03 0.0123 0.7636 0.3683 0.7355 1.000 2.4160E-03 0.0134 0.7263 0.3428 0.6967 2.000 2.6158E-03 0.0137 0.7288 0.3435 0.6985 3.000 3.8722E-03 0.0155 0.7413 0.3720 0.7080 4.000 1.1418E-02 0.0308 0.7544 0.4884 0.6979 5.000 5.3533E-02 0.1682 0.7602 0.5000 0.5036 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.0184E-01 5.3302E-02 1.6455E+00 1.5375E-03 2.5546E-03 0.000 5.5534E-01 6.8250E-03 7.4582E-01 1.3020E-03 2.3444E-03 1.000 2.0487E-01 2.7533E-03 2.9012E-01 4.9497E-04 2.4160E-03 2.000 7.4072E-02 1.0147E-03 1.0459E-01 1.9376E-04 2.6158E-03 3.000 2.7106E-02 4.1901E-04 3.7693E-02 1.0496E-04 3.8722E-03 4.000 1.0109E-02 3.1183E-04 1.4037E-02 1.1542E-04 1.1418E-02 5.000 3.8452E-03 6.4669E-04 6.3514E-03 2.0585E-04 5.3533E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.7084 3.1725 3.8809 0.8175 0.01906 0.00601 1.000 0.7084 3.1725 3.8809 0.8175 0.01906 0.00601 2.000 0.7084 3.1725 3.8809 0.8175 0.01906 0.00601 3.000 0.7084 3.1725 3.8809 0.8175 0.01906 0.00601 4.000 0.7084 3.1725 3.8809 0.8175 0.01906 0.00601 5.000 0.7084 3.1725 3.8809 0.8175 0.01906 0.00601 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 425.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 425.0 3 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 8.5194E-01 6.6534E-01 7.4370E-01 8.5456E-01 8.0525E-01 1.005 9.0558E-01 8.6387E-01 8.8752E-01 9.0623E-01 8.5114E-01 2.005 9.0722E-01 8.5031E-01 9.1656E-01 9.0814E-01 6.7876E-01 3.005 8.9364E-01 5.5453E-01 9.0411E-01 9.0008E-01 1.5316E-01 4.005 8.7738E-01 -2.3972E-01 8.4677E-01 9.2081E-01 -3.9508E-01 4.995 8.5091E-01 -1.1320E+00 1.5711E-01 1.2525E+00 -5.7494E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.6485E-03 0.0885 0.4294 0.2291 0.3357 0.000 2.6304E-03 0.0139 0.7618 0.3697 0.7303 1.000 2.7427E-03 0.0153 0.7215 0.3436 0.6884 2.000 3.0893E-03 0.0158 0.7211 0.3453 0.6869 3.000 4.8642E-03 0.0186 0.7316 0.3792 0.6931 4.000 1.3627E-02 0.0372 0.7436 0.4911 0.6778 5.000 5.4144E-02 0.1701 0.7489 0.5000 0.4953 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 5.8191E-01 5.1485E-02 1.5800E+00 1.5412E-03 2.6485E-03 0.000 5.3786E-01 7.4515E-03 7.2625E-01 1.4148E-03 2.6304E-03 1.000 2.2180E-01 3.3874E-03 3.1726E-01 6.0834E-04 2.7427E-03 2.000 8.9404E-02 1.4168E-03 1.2809E-01 2.7620E-04 3.0893E-03 3.000 3.6311E-02 6.7569E-04 5.1415E-02 1.7662E-04 4.8642E-03 4.000 1.4977E-02 5.5731E-04 2.1275E-02 2.0409E-04 1.3627E-02 5.000 6.2870E-03 1.0694E-03 1.0533E-02 3.4041E-04 5.4144E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.6240 3.1452 3.7692 0.8345 0.01861 0.00592 1.000 0.6240 3.1452 3.7692 0.8345 0.01861 0.00592 2.000 0.6240 3.1452 3.7692 0.8345 0.01861 0.00592 3.000 0.6240 3.1452 3.7692 0.8345 0.01861 0.00592 4.000 0.6240 3.1452 3.7692 0.8345 0.01861 0.00592 5.000 0.6240 3.1452 3.7692 0.8345 0.01861 0.00592 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 435.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 435.0 4 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 7.4607E-01 5.6175E-01 6.3953E-01 7.4905E-01 6.9083E-01 1.005 7.9749E-01 7.4011E-01 7.7372E-01 7.9852E-01 7.1070E-01 2.005 8.0302E-01 7.1261E-01 8.0785E-01 8.0475E-01 5.0836E-01 3.005 7.9332E-01 4.1271E-01 7.9922E-01 8.0232E-01 4.7102E-02 4.005 7.7976E-01 -2.4359E-01 7.4286E-01 8.2884E-01 -3.5865E-01 4.995 7.5562E-01 -9.6474E-01 1.5582E-01 1.1160E+00 -4.9496E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.7948E-03 0.0886 0.4316 0.2330 0.3380 0.000 3.0181E-03 0.0159 0.7596 0.3717 0.7240 1.000 3.2076E-03 0.0177 0.7165 0.3458 0.6789 2.000 3.7992E-03 0.0188 0.7129 0.3493 0.6736 3.000 6.2906E-03 0.0230 0.7212 0.3886 0.6757 4.000 1.6462E-02 0.0455 0.7319 0.4932 0.6544 5.000 5.5606E-02 0.1747 0.7366 0.5000 0.4835 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.0429E-01 5.3524E-02 1.6297E+00 1.6889E-03 2.7948E-03 0.000 5.5966E-01 8.9018E-03 7.6076E-01 1.6891E-03 3.0181E-03 1.000 2.5715E-01 4.5520E-03 3.7207E-01 8.2485E-04 3.2076E-03 2.000 1.1528E-01 2.1671E-03 1.6791E-01 4.3796E-04 3.7992E-03 3.000 5.1857E-02 1.1945E-03 7.4976E-02 3.2621E-04 6.2906E-03 4.000 2.3612E-02 1.0751E-03 3.4439E-02 3.8872E-04 1.6462E-02 5.000 1.0919E-02 1.9074E-03 1.8639E-02 6.0715E-04 5.5606E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.5423 3.1203 3.6626 0.8519 0.01821 0.00584 1.000 0.5423 3.1203 3.6626 0.8519 0.01821 0.00584 2.000 0.5423 3.1203 3.6626 0.8519 0.01821 0.00584 3.000 0.5423 3.1203 3.6626 0.8519 0.01821 0.00584 4.000 0.5423 3.1203 3.6626 0.8519 0.01821 0.00584 5.000 0.5423 3.1203 3.6626 0.8519 0.01821 0.00584 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 445.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 445.0 5 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 6.4912E-01 4.6643E-01 5.4524E-01 6.5258E-01 5.7885E-01 1.005 6.9780E-01 6.2106E-01 6.6818E-01 6.9944E-01 5.6938E-01 2.005 7.0640E-01 5.7943E-01 7.0624E-01 7.0936E-01 3.5414E-01 3.005 7.0008E-01 2.9302E-01 7.0061E-01 7.1226E-01 -2.4672E-02 4.005 6.8898E-01 -2.3467E-01 6.4588E-01 7.4376E-01 -3.1923E-01 4.995 6.6717E-01 -8.1143E-01 1.5367E-01 9.9097E-01 -4.2214E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 3.0145E-03 0.0890 0.4336 0.2370 0.3397 0.000 3.5360E-03 0.0185 0.7571 0.3746 0.7162 1.000 3.8628E-03 0.0209 0.7113 0.3495 0.6681 2.000 4.8263E-03 0.0228 0.7045 0.3556 0.6588 3.000 8.2193E-03 0.0290 0.7107 0.3989 0.6562 4.000 1.9845E-02 0.0557 0.7199 0.4940 0.6287 5.000 5.7608E-02 0.1810 0.7236 0.5000 0.4697 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.1889E-01 6.3963E-02 1.9278E+00 2.1671E-03 3.0145E-03 0.000 6.6727E-01 1.2363E-02 9.1440E-01 2.3595E-03 3.5360E-03 1.000 3.3863E-01 7.0644E-03 4.9628E-01 1.3081E-03 3.8628E-03 2.000 1.6749E-01 3.8139E-03 2.4845E-01 8.0835E-04 4.8263E-03 3.000 8.2844E-02 2.4014E-03 1.2259E-01 6.8092E-04 8.2193E-03 4.000 4.1353E-02 2.3047E-03 6.2110E-02 8.2064E-04 1.9845E-02 5.000 2.0924E-02 3.7869E-03 3.6489E-02 1.2054E-03 5.7608E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.4675 3.1042 3.5717 0.8691 0.01789 0.00576 1.000 0.4675 3.1042 3.5717 0.8691 0.01789 0.00576 2.000 0.4675 3.1042 3.5717 0.8691 0.01789 0.00576 3.000 0.4675 3.1042 3.5717 0.8691 0.01789 0.00576 4.000 0.4675 3.1042 3.5717 0.8691 0.01789 0.00576 5.000 0.4675 3.1042 3.5717 0.8691 0.01789 0.00576 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 455.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 455.0 6 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 5.6740E-01 3.8586E-01 4.6722E-01 5.7141E-01 4.7634E-01 1.005 6.1299E-01 5.1489E-01 5.7782E-01 6.1547E-01 4.4003E-01 2.005 6.2374E-01 4.6156E-01 6.1834E-01 6.2835E-01 2.3027E-01 3.005 6.2011E-01 1.9925E-01 6.1483E-01 6.3598E-01 -6.9486E-02 4.005 6.1105E-01 -2.2298E-01 5.6196E-01 6.7167E-01 -2.8411E-01 4.995 5.9125E-01 -6.8569E-01 1.4527E-01 8.8872E-01 -3.6201E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 3.3010E-03 0.0896 0.4355 0.2412 0.3412 0.000 4.1779E-03 0.0216 0.7544 0.3783 0.7077 1.000 4.7163E-03 0.0246 0.7065 0.3548 0.6570 2.000 6.1815E-03 0.0276 0.6969 0.3638 0.6436 3.000 1.0617E-02 0.0363 0.7008 0.4097 0.6360 4.000 2.3712E-02 0.0675 0.7085 0.4947 0.6025 5.000 6.0527E-02 0.1901 0.7114 0.5000 0.4534 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.7497E-01 6.9440E-02 2.0676E+00 2.5581E-03 3.3010E-03 0.000 7.2106E-01 1.5553E-02 9.9695E-01 3.0125E-03 4.1779E-03 1.000 3.9807E-01 9.7893E-03 5.9099E-01 1.8774E-03 4.7163E-03 2.000 2.1411E-01 5.9149E-03 3.2350E-01 1.3235E-03 6.1815E-03 3.000 1.1488E-01 4.1658E-03 1.7408E-01 1.2197E-03 1.0617E-02 4.000 6.2049E-02 4.1866E-03 9.6036E-02 1.4713E-03 2.3712E-02 5.000 3.3916E-02 6.4491E-03 6.0576E-02 2.0528E-03 6.0527E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.4046 3.0813 3.4860 0.8839 0.01756 0.00570 1.000 0.4046 3.0813 3.4860 0.8839 0.01756 0.00570 2.000 0.4046 3.0813 3.4860 0.8839 0.01756 0.00570 3.000 0.4046 3.0813 3.4860 0.8839 0.01756 0.00570 4.000 0.4046 3.0813 3.4860 0.8839 0.01756 0.00570 5.000 0.4046 3.0813 3.4860 0.8839 0.01756 0.00570 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 465.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 465.0 7 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.9992E-01 3.2112E-01 4.0441E-01 5.0451E-01 3.8834E-01 1.005 5.4236E-01 4.2500E-01 5.0219E-01 5.4585E-01 3.3374E-01 2.005 5.5454E-01 3.6619E-01 5.4405E-01 5.6102E-01 1.4432E-01 3.005 5.5300E-01 1.3589E-01 5.4230E-01 5.7238E-01 -8.9591E-02 4.005 5.4562E-01 -2.0350E-01 4.9272E-01 6.1017E-01 -2.5066E-01 4.995 5.2792E-01 -5.7939E-01 1.4721E-01 7.9749E-01 -3.1210E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 3.6643E-03 0.0905 0.4372 0.2456 0.3425 0.000 4.9638E-03 0.0250 0.7515 0.3828 0.6984 1.000 5.7707E-03 0.0289 0.7022 0.3614 0.6458 2.000 7.7992E-03 0.0332 0.6900 0.3727 0.6285 3.000 1.3223E-02 0.0443 0.6920 0.4186 0.6162 4.000 2.7376E-02 0.0790 0.6982 0.4937 0.5784 5.000 6.2666E-02 0.1969 0.7003 0.5000 0.4409 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.7703E-01 7.0301E-02 2.0634E+00 2.8472E-03 3.6643E-03 0.000 7.2485E-01 1.8148E-02 1.0119E+00 3.5980E-03 4.9638E-03 1.000 4.2911E-01 1.2381E-02 6.4533E-01 2.4762E-03 5.7707E-03 2.000 2.4756E-01 8.2189E-03 3.8082E-01 1.9307E-03 7.7992E-03 3.000 1.4219E-01 6.2984E-03 2.2053E-01 1.8802E-03 1.3223E-02 4.000 8.2060E-02 6.4857E-03 1.3066E-01 2.2465E-03 2.7376E-02 5.000 4.7853E-02 9.4208E-03 8.7174E-02 2.9988E-03 6.2666E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3529 3.0512 3.4041 0.8963 0.01721 0.00564 1.000 0.3529 3.0512 3.4041 0.8963 0.01721 0.00564 2.000 0.3529 3.0512 3.4041 0.8963 0.01721 0.00564 3.000 0.3529 3.0512 3.4041 0.8963 0.01721 0.00564 4.000 0.3529 3.0512 3.4041 0.8963 0.01721 0.00564 5.000 0.3529 3.0512 3.4041 0.8963 0.01721 0.00564 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 475.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 475.0 8 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.5110E-01 2.7263E-01 3.5998E-01 4.5630E-01 3.1963E-01 1.005 4.9084E-01 3.5724E-01 4.4667E-01 4.9539E-01 2.5641E-01 2.005 5.0381E-01 2.9717E-01 4.8896E-01 5.1211E-01 8.9042E-02 3.005 5.0366E-01 9.4108E-02 4.8838E-01 5.2615E-01 -9.9233E-02 4.005 4.9745E-01 -1.8877E-01 4.4162E-01 5.6523E-01 -2.2641E-01 4.995 4.8132E-01 -5.0487E-01 1.4534E-01 7.3264E-01 -2.7675E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 4.0328E-03 0.0913 0.4389 0.2499 0.3437 0.000 5.7523E-03 0.0283 0.7490 0.3871 0.6900 1.000 6.8517E-03 0.0329 0.6988 0.3678 0.6360 2.000 9.4289E-03 0.0386 0.6847 0.3808 0.6155 3.000 1.5719E-02 0.0519 0.6850 0.4258 0.5993 4.000 3.0714E-02 0.0896 0.6901 0.4932 0.5583 5.000 6.4964E-02 0.2041 0.6915 0.5000 0.4292 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.9368E-01 7.2499E-02 2.0984E+00 3.2008E-03 4.0328E-03 0.000 7.4216E-01 2.0997E-02 1.0452E+00 4.2691E-03 5.7523E-03 1.000 4.6222E-01 1.5218E-02 7.0281E-01 3.1670E-03 6.8517E-03 2.000 2.8068E-01 1.0833E-02 4.3840E-01 2.6465E-03 9.4289E-03 3.000 1.6949E-01 8.8039E-03 2.6809E-01 2.6642E-03 1.5719E-02 4.000 1.0270E-01 9.2000E-03 1.6748E-01 3.1543E-03 3.0714E-02 5.000 6.2811E-02 1.2819E-02 1.1647E-01 4.0805E-03 6.4964E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3156 3.0202 3.3358 0.9054 0.01689 0.00559 1.000 0.3156 3.0202 3.3358 0.9054 0.01689 0.00559 2.000 0.3156 3.0202 3.3358 0.9054 0.01689 0.00559 3.000 0.3156 3.0202 3.3358 0.9054 0.01689 0.00559 4.000 0.3156 3.0202 3.3358 0.9054 0.01689 0.00559 5.000 0.3156 3.0202 3.3358 0.9054 0.01689 0.00559 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 485.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 485.0 9 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.0642E-01 2.2779E-01 3.2033E-01 4.1238E-01 2.5635E-01 1.005 4.4346E-01 2.9578E-01 3.9531E-01 4.4928E-01 1.9187E-01 2.005 4.5694E-01 2.3901E-01 4.3772E-01 4.6723E-01 4.9653E-02 3.005 4.5795E-01 6.4823E-02 4.3841E-01 4.8337E-01 -1.0054E-01 4.005 4.5280E-01 -1.6963E-01 3.9543E-01 5.2258E-01 -2.0187E-01 4.995 4.3837E-01 -4.3407E-01 1.4961E-01 6.6913E-01 -2.4392E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 4.5160E-03 0.0926 0.4405 0.2546 0.3445 0.000 6.7553E-03 0.0323 0.7461 0.3922 0.6803 1.000 8.2048E-03 0.0379 0.6952 0.3749 0.6250 2.000 1.1369E-02 0.0450 0.6792 0.3889 0.6013 3.000 1.8470E-02 0.0606 0.6780 0.4317 0.5815 4.000 3.4047E-02 0.1005 0.6819 0.4915 0.5383 5.000 6.6874E-02 0.2101 0.6828 0.5000 0.4191 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.7252E-01 7.1526E-02 2.0348E+00 3.4887E-03 4.5160E-03 0.000 7.2435E-01 2.3366E-02 1.0305E+00 4.8932E-03 6.7553E-03 1.000 4.7261E-01 1.7902E-02 7.2755E-01 3.8777E-03 8.2048E-03 2.000 3.0087E-01 1.3551E-02 4.7781E-01 3.4207E-03 1.1369E-02 3.000 1.9029E-01 1.1535E-02 3.0738E-01 3.5147E-03 1.8470E-02 4.000 1.2063E-01 1.2123E-02 2.0158E-01 4.1072E-03 3.4047E-02 5.000 7.7107E-02 1.6199E-02 1.4533E-01 5.1565E-03 6.6874E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.2814 2.9963 3.2777 0.9141 0.01661 0.00554 1.000 0.2814 2.9963 3.2777 0.9141 0.01661 0.00554 2.000 0.2814 2.9963 3.2777 0.9141 0.01661 0.00554 3.000 0.2814 2.9963 3.2777 0.9141 0.01661 0.00554 4.000 0.2814 2.9963 3.2777 0.9141 0.01661 0.00554 5.000 0.2814 2.9963 3.2777 0.9141 0.01661 0.00554 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 495.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 495.0 10 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 3.6866E-01 1.8955E-01 2.8782E-01 3.7546E-01 2.0285E-01 1.005 4.0309E-01 2.4398E-01 3.5136E-01 4.1028E-01 1.4134E-01 2.005 4.1680E-01 1.9229E-01 3.9348E-01 4.2910E-01 2.2036E-02 3.005 4.1870E-01 4.3608E-02 3.9533E-01 4.4681E-01 -9.8811E-02 4.005 4.1442E-01 -1.5245E-01 3.5619E-01 4.8559E-01 -1.8085E-01 4.995 4.0157E-01 -3.7500E-01 1.5321E-01 6.1458E-01 -2.1647E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 5.0694E-03 0.0940 0.4420 0.2595 0.3451 0.000 7.8872E-03 0.0365 0.7431 0.3975 0.6702 1.000 9.7180E-03 0.0432 0.6920 0.3821 0.6140 2.000 1.3468E-02 0.0519 0.6744 0.3965 0.5875 3.000 2.1298E-02 0.0696 0.6717 0.4367 0.5645 4.000 3.7298E-02 0.1112 0.6744 0.4899 0.5198 5.000 6.8784E-02 0.2161 0.6749 0.5000 0.4096 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.8855E-01 7.4148E-02 2.0700E+00 3.9975E-03 5.0694E-03 0.000 7.4146E-01 2.7071E-02 1.0659E+00 5.8480E-03 7.8872E-03 1.000 5.0327E-01 2.1741E-02 7.8419E-01 4.8908E-03 9.7180E-03 2.000 3.3359E-01 1.7314E-02 5.3834E-01 4.4929E-03 1.3468E-02 3.000 2.1953E-01 1.5276E-02 3.6180E-01 4.6755E-03 2.1298E-02 4.000 1.4468E-01 1.6093E-02 2.4736E-01 5.3962E-03 3.7298E-02 5.000 9.6046E-02 2.0755E-02 1.8383E-01 6.6064E-03 6.8784E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.2525 2.9678 3.2203 0.9216 0.01633 0.00550 1.000 0.2525 2.9678 3.2203 0.9216 0.01633 0.00550 2.000 0.2525 2.9678 3.2203 0.9216 0.01633 0.00550 3.000 0.2525 2.9678 3.2203 0.9216 0.01633 0.00550 4.000 0.2525 2.9678 3.2203 0.9216 0.01633 0.00550 5.000 0.2525 2.9678 3.2203 0.9216 0.01633 0.00550 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 505.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 505.0 11 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 3.3905E-01 1.5925E-01 2.6322E-01 3.4669E-01 1.6021E-01 1.005 3.7120E-01 2.0248E-01 3.1647E-01 3.7981E-01 1.0249E-01 2.005 3.8494E-01 1.5492E-01 3.5793E-01 3.9932E-01 1.1341E-03 3.005 3.8746E-01 2.5462E-02 3.6046E-01 4.1842E-01 -9.8249E-02 4.005 3.8381E-01 -1.4220E-01 3.2399E-01 4.5741E-01 -1.6587E-01 4.995 3.7200E-01 -3.3354E-01 1.4792E-01 5.7613E-01 -1.9602E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 5.6592E-03 0.0956 0.4434 0.2644 0.3456 0.000 9.0816E-03 0.0407 0.7404 0.4026 0.6607 1.000 1.1313E-02 0.0485 0.6892 0.3892 0.6039 2.000 1.5662E-02 0.0588 0.6703 0.4039 0.5748 3.000 2.4239E-02 0.0786 0.6664 0.4418 0.5489 4.000 4.0808E-02 0.1224 0.6682 0.4899 0.5025 5.000 7.1683E-02 0.2252 0.6681 0.5000 0.3979 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.7681E-01 7.4232E-02 2.0328E+00 4.3961E-03 5.6592E-03 0.000 7.3241E-01 2.9844E-02 1.0634E+00 6.6514E-03 9.0816E-03 1.000 5.1283E-01 2.4884E-02 8.0804E-01 5.8019E-03 1.1313E-02 2.000 3.5097E-01 2.0638E-02 5.7470E-01 5.4967E-03 1.5662E-02 3.000 2.3838E-01 1.8747E-02 4.0012E-01 5.7780E-03 2.4239E-02 4.000 1.6203E-01 1.9834E-02 2.8298E-01 6.6122E-03 4.0808E-02 5.000 1.1087E-01 2.4968E-02 2.1589E-01 7.9476E-03 7.1683E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.2300 2.9384 3.1684 0.9274 0.01606 0.00547 1.000 0.2300 2.9384 3.1684 0.9274 0.01606 0.00547 2.000 0.2300 2.9384 3.1684 0.9274 0.01606 0.00547 3.000 0.2300 2.9384 3.1684 0.9274 0.01606 0.00547 4.000 0.2300 2.9384 3.1684 0.9274 0.01606 0.00547 5.000 0.2300 2.9384 3.1684 0.9274 0.01606 0.00547 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 515.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 515.0 12 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 3.2414E-01 1.4165E-01 2.5103E-01 3.3240E-01 1.3369E-01 1.005 3.5496E-01 1.7721E-01 2.9848E-01 3.6468E-01 7.6980E-02 2.005 3.6863E-01 1.2947E-01 3.3905E-01 3.8484E-01 -1.5402E-02 3.005 3.7142E-01 8.0410E-03 3.4122E-01 4.0539E-01 -1.0311E-01 4.005 3.6801E-01 -1.4553E-01 3.0458E-01 4.4643E-01 -1.6195E-01 4.995 3.5612E-01 -3.2236E-01 1.2779E-01 5.6747E-01 -1.8774E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 6.0440E-03 0.0964 0.4447 0.2682 0.3464 0.000 9.8743E-03 0.0432 0.7388 0.4062 0.6553 1.000 1.2438E-02 0.0518 0.6878 0.3943 0.5981 2.000 1.7311E-02 0.0634 0.6683 0.4099 0.5672 3.000 2.6645E-02 0.0853 0.6637 0.4474 0.5389 4.000 4.4157E-02 0.1321 0.6648 0.4928 0.4897 5.000 7.5863E-02 0.2383 0.6641 0.5000 0.3842 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.5107E-01 7.2419E-02 1.9590E+00 4.5395E-03 6.0440E-03 0.000 7.0931E-01 3.0675E-02 1.0356E+00 7.0040E-03 9.8743E-03 1.000 5.0455E-01 2.6149E-02 7.9987E-01 6.2755E-03 1.2438E-02 2.000 3.5099E-01 2.2260E-02 5.7952E-01 6.0758E-03 1.7311E-02 3.000 2.4228E-01 2.0674E-02 4.1124E-01 6.4554E-03 2.6645E-02 4.000 1.6732E-01 2.2108E-02 2.9653E-01 7.3884E-03 4.4157E-02 5.000 1.1631E-01 2.7721E-02 2.3058E-01 8.8238E-03 7.5863E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.2188 2.9103 3.1291 0.9301 0.01581 0.00543 1.000 0.2188 2.9103 3.1291 0.9301 0.01581 0.00543 2.000 0.2188 2.9103 3.1291 0.9301 0.01581 0.00543 3.000 0.2188 2.9103 3.1291 0.9301 0.01581 0.00543 4.000 0.2188 2.9103 3.1291 0.9301 0.01581 0.00543 5.000 0.2188 2.9103 3.1291 0.9301 0.01581 0.00543 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 525.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 525.0 13 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.9907E-01 1.1492E-01 2.3140E-01 3.0846E-01 9.7434E-02 1.005 3.2769E-01 1.4109E-01 2.6833E-01 3.3928E-01 4.6333E-02 2.005 3.4119E-01 9.7698E-02 3.0774E-01 3.6012E-01 -3.0746E-02 3.005 3.4437E-01 -7.6443E-03 3.1013E-01 3.8212E-01 -1.0220E-01 4.005 3.4141E-01 -1.3909E-01 2.7539E-01 4.2408E-01 -1.5015E-01 4.995 3.3011E-01 -2.9212E-01 1.1500E-01 5.3982E-01 -1.7132E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 6.8513E-03 0.0986 0.4460 0.2737 0.3464 0.000 1.1472E-02 0.0485 0.7358 0.4124 0.6444 1.000 1.4568E-02 0.0584 0.6851 0.4024 0.5867 2.000 2.0194E-02 0.0720 0.6644 0.4182 0.5532 3.000 3.0460E-02 0.0967 0.6588 0.4533 0.5218 4.000 4.8808E-02 0.1464 0.6589 0.4940 0.4705 5.000 8.0488E-02 0.2529 0.6575 0.5000 0.3687 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.6942E-01 7.5835E-02 2.0023E+00 5.2715E-03 6.8513E-03 0.000 7.2889E-01 3.5318E-02 1.0763E+00 8.3621E-03 1.1472E-02 1.000 5.3238E-01 3.1109E-02 8.5439E-01 7.7557E-03 1.4568E-02 2.000 3.8064E-01 2.7424E-02 6.3846E-01 7.6868E-03 2.0194E-02 3.000 2.7001E-01 2.6106E-02 4.6747E-01 8.2246E-03 3.0460E-02 4.000 1.9155E-01 2.8052E-02 3.4748E-01 9.3491E-03 4.8808E-02 5.000 1.3671E-01 3.4569E-02 2.7706E-01 1.1004E-02 8.0488E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1997 2.8809 3.0806 0.9352 0.01556 0.00540 1.000 0.1997 2.8809 3.0806 0.9352 0.01556 0.00540 2.000 0.1997 2.8809 3.0806 0.9352 0.01556 0.00540 3.000 0.1997 2.8809 3.0806 0.9352 0.01556 0.00540 4.000 0.1997 2.8809 3.0806 0.9352 0.01556 0.00540 5.000 0.1997 2.8809 3.0806 0.9352 0.01556 0.00540 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 535.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 535.0 14 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.7966E-01 9.4058E-02 2.1677E-01 2.9012E-01 7.0109E-02 1.005 3.0639E-01 1.1314E-01 2.4473E-01 3.1974E-01 2.4160E-02 2.005 3.1964E-01 7.3458E-02 2.8288E-01 3.4109E-01 -4.1369E-02 3.005 3.2307E-01 -1.9557E-02 2.8538E-01 3.6426E-01 -1.0111E-01 4.005 3.2043E-01 -1.3467E-01 2.5218E-01 4.0704E-01 -1.4122E-01 4.995 3.0956E-01 -2.7029E-01 1.0295E-01 5.1929E-01 -1.5894E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 7.6413E-03 0.1006 0.4472 0.2790 0.3463 0.000 1.3027E-02 0.0533 0.7331 0.4179 0.6347 1.000 1.6624E-02 0.0646 0.6829 0.4096 0.5767 2.000 2.2934E-02 0.0801 0.6614 0.4253 0.5411 3.000 3.4016E-02 0.1071 0.6548 0.4584 0.5071 4.000 5.3081E-02 0.1595 0.6542 0.4954 0.4541 5.000 8.4794E-02 0.2664 0.6521 0.5000 0.3551 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.7910E-01 7.8398E-02 2.0232E+00 5.9533E-03 7.6413E-03 0.000 7.4013E-01 3.9445E-02 1.1039E+00 9.6418E-03 1.3027E-02 1.000 5.5184E-01 3.5636E-02 8.9505E-01 9.1737E-03 1.6624E-02 2.000 4.0313E-01 3.2272E-02 6.8536E-01 9.2456E-03 2.2934E-02 3.000 2.9216E-01 3.1302E-02 5.1446E-01 9.9381E-03 3.4016E-02 4.000 2.1169E-01 3.3766E-02 3.9177E-01 1.1237E-02 5.3081E-02 5.000 1.5426E-01 4.1094E-02 3.1874E-01 1.3081E-02 8.4794E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1850 2.8478 3.0328 0.9390 0.01531 0.00537 1.000 0.1850 2.8478 3.0328 0.9390 0.01531 0.00537 2.000 0.1850 2.8478 3.0328 0.9390 0.01531 0.00537 3.000 0.1850 2.8478 3.0328 0.9390 0.01531 0.00537 4.000 0.1850 2.8478 3.0328 0.9390 0.01531 0.00537 5.000 0.1850 2.8478 3.0328 0.9390 0.01531 0.00537 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 545.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 545.0 15 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.6492E-01 7.7385E-02 2.0607E-01 2.7640E-01 4.8595E-02 1.005 2.9005E-01 9.0722E-02 2.2652E-01 3.0511E-01 6.8084E-03 2.005 3.0302E-01 5.3592E-02 2.6333E-01 3.2695E-01 -5.0055E-02 3.005 3.0660E-01 -3.0374E-02 2.6562E-01 3.5131E-01 -1.0111E-01 4.005 3.0417E-01 -1.3343E-01 2.3326E-01 3.9540E-01 -1.3525E-01 4.995 2.9342E-01 -2.5668E-01 8.8019E-02 5.0740E-01 -1.5010E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 8.3954E-03 0.1026 0.4483 0.2840 0.3463 0.000 1.4506E-02 0.0577 0.7309 0.4230 0.6263 1.000 1.8590E-02 0.0702 0.6812 0.4162 0.5682 2.000 2.5563E-02 0.0874 0.6591 0.4319 0.5307 3.000 3.7450E-02 0.1169 0.6517 0.4634 0.4942 4.000 5.7306E-02 0.1721 0.6504 0.4973 0.4395 5.000 8.9388E-02 0.2808 0.6477 0.5000 0.3416 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.7050E-01 7.9016E-02 1.9968E+00 6.4687E-03 8.3954E-03 0.000 7.3378E-01 4.2304E-02 1.1040E+00 1.0644E-02 1.4506E-02 1.000 5.5577E-01 3.9000E-02 9.0953E-01 1.0332E-02 1.8590E-02 2.000 4.1277E-01 3.6096E-02 7.0982E-01 1.0552E-02 2.5563E-02 3.000 3.0415E-01 3.5569E-02 5.4342E-01 1.1390E-02 3.7450E-02 4.000 2.2401E-01 3.8558E-02 4.2196E-01 1.2837E-02 5.7306E-02 5.000 1.6590E-01 4.6589E-02 3.4931E-01 1.4830E-02 8.9388E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1739 2.8134 2.9873 0.9418 0.01505 0.00535 1.000 0.1739 2.8134 2.9873 0.9418 0.01505 0.00535 2.000 0.1739 2.8134 2.9873 0.9418 0.01505 0.00535 3.000 0.1739 2.8134 2.9873 0.9418 0.01505 0.00535 4.000 0.1739 2.8134 2.9873 0.9418 0.01505 0.00535 5.000 0.1739 2.8134 2.9873 0.9418 0.01505 0.00535 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 555.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 555.0 16 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.5875E-01 6.6878E-02 2.0145E-01 2.7095E-01 3.4030E-02 1.005 2.8303E-01 7.6068E-02 2.1840E-01 2.9938E-01 -6.2145E-03 2.005 2.9579E-01 3.8528E-02 2.5394E-01 3.2186E-01 -5.8761E-02 3.005 2.9939E-01 -4.2131E-02 2.5536E-01 3.4770E-01 -1.0496E-01 4.005 2.9695E-01 -1.3959E-01 2.2186E-01 3.9463E-01 -1.3533E-01 4.995 2.8562E-01 -2.5851E-01 6.5591E-02 5.1403E-01 -1.4790E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 8.8264E-03 0.1035 0.4494 0.2875 0.3468 0.000 1.5369E-02 0.0597 0.7299 0.4264 0.6226 1.000 1.9842E-02 0.0732 0.6808 0.4209 0.5642 2.000 2.7390E-02 0.0919 0.6584 0.4373 0.5252 3.000 4.0087E-02 0.1237 0.6506 0.4685 0.4865 4.000 6.1016E-02 0.1824 0.6488 0.5007 0.4290 5.000 9.4369E-02 0.2965 0.6454 0.5000 0.3284 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.6644E-01 7.9306E-02 1.9812E+00 6.7649E-03 8.8264E-03 0.000 7.3078E-01 4.3662E-02 1.1036E+00 1.1231E-02 1.5369E-02 1.000 5.5721E-01 4.0769E-02 9.1537E-01 1.1056E-02 1.9842E-02 2.000 4.1682E-01 3.8310E-02 7.2071E-01 1.1417E-02 2.7390E-02 3.000 3.0935E-01 3.8271E-02 5.5720E-01 1.2401E-02 4.0087E-02 4.000 2.2949E-01 4.1866E-02 4.3735E-01 1.4003E-02 6.1016E-02 5.000 1.7122E-01 5.0761E-02 3.6679E-01 1.6158E-02 9.4369E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1694 2.7818 2.9512 0.9426 0.01482 0.00533 1.000 0.1694 2.7818 2.9512 0.9426 0.01482 0.00533 2.000 0.1694 2.7818 2.9512 0.9426 0.01482 0.00533 3.000 0.1694 2.7818 2.9512 0.9426 0.01482 0.00533 4.000 0.1694 2.7818 2.9512 0.9426 0.01482 0.00533 5.000 0.1694 2.7818 2.9512 0.9426 0.01482 0.00533 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 565.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 565.0 17 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.4719E-01 5.3449E-02 1.9345E-01 2.6049E-01 1.8051E-02 1.005 2.7013E-01 5.8503E-02 2.0388E-01 2.8827E-01 -1.8401E-02 2.005 2.8260E-01 2.3349E-02 2.3808E-01 3.1127E-01 -6.4403E-02 3.005 2.8625E-01 -5.0187E-02 2.3918E-01 3.3827E-01 -1.0441E-01 4.005 2.8393E-01 -1.3867E-01 2.0619E-01 3.8675E-01 -1.3056E-01 4.995 2.7255E-01 -2.4861E-01 5.1327E-02 5.0754E-01 -1.4106E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 9.6355E-03 0.1055 0.4505 0.2925 0.3466 0.000 1.6939E-02 0.0642 0.7278 0.4312 0.6145 1.000 2.1916E-02 0.0789 0.6793 0.4270 0.5560 2.000 3.0130E-02 0.0994 0.6564 0.4432 0.5153 3.000 4.3627E-02 0.1337 0.6480 0.4729 0.4745 4.000 6.5356E-02 0.1953 0.6455 0.5025 0.4153 5.000 9.9182E-02 0.3116 0.6416 0.5000 0.3155 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.5922E-01 8.0127E-02 1.9593E+00 7.3154E-03 9.6355E-03 0.000 7.2564E-01 4.6560E-02 1.1050E+00 1.2292E-02 1.6939E-02 1.000 5.6017E-01 4.4175E-02 9.2813E-01 1.2277E-02 2.1916E-02 2.000 4.2456E-01 4.2217E-02 7.4202E-01 1.2792E-02 3.0130E-02 3.000 3.1927E-01 4.2681E-02 5.8298E-01 1.3929E-02 4.3627E-02 4.000 2.3997E-01 4.6861E-02 4.6497E-01 1.5683E-02 6.5356E-02 5.000 1.8138E-01 5.6515E-02 3.9572E-01 1.7989E-02 9.9182E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1607 2.7520 2.9127 0.9448 0.01460 0.00531 1.000 0.1607 2.7520 2.9127 0.9448 0.01460 0.00531 2.000 0.1607 2.7520 2.9127 0.9448 0.01460 0.00531 3.000 0.1607 2.7520 2.9127 0.9448 0.01460 0.00531 4.000 0.1607 2.7520 2.9127 0.9448 0.01460 0.00531 5.000 0.1607 2.7520 2.9127 0.9448 0.01460 0.00531 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 575.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 575.0 18 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.5006E-01 5.0354E-02 1.9476E-01 2.6345E-01 1.2074E-02 1.005 2.7295E-01 5.3452E-02 2.0671E-01 2.9146E-01 -2.5430E-02 2.005 2.8535E-01 1.5492E-02 2.4001E-01 3.1500E-01 -7.1458E-02 3.005 2.8895E-01 -6.0015E-02 2.3995E-01 3.4328E-01 -1.1065E-01 4.005 2.8651E-01 -1.4924E-01 2.0462E-01 3.9506E-01 -1.3569E-01 4.995 2.7423E-01 -2.6203E-01 3.0451E-02 5.2769E-01 -1.4503E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 9.5066E-03 0.1048 0.4515 0.2938 0.3481 0.000 1.6741E-02 0.0628 0.7286 0.4320 0.6175 1.000 2.1864E-02 0.0777 0.6804 0.4287 0.5586 2.000 3.0358E-02 0.0989 0.6576 0.4460 0.5172 3.000 4.4374E-02 0.1345 0.6492 0.4766 0.4749 4.000 6.7033E-02 0.1990 0.6466 0.5061 0.4130 5.000 1.0244E-01 0.3218 0.6422 0.5000 0.3082 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.6042E-01 7.9695E-02 1.9555E+00 7.2290E-03 9.5066E-03 0.000 7.2631E-01 4.5608E-02 1.1024E+00 1.2159E-02 1.6741E-02 1.000 5.5908E-01 4.3433E-02 9.2305E-01 1.2224E-02 2.1864E-02 2.000 4.2255E-01 4.1777E-02 7.3621E-01 1.2828E-02 3.0358E-02 3.000 3.1691E-01 4.2615E-02 5.7760E-01 1.4062E-02 4.4374E-02 4.000 2.3755E-01 4.7272E-02 4.6078E-01 1.5924E-02 6.7033E-02 5.000 1.7913E-01 5.7645E-02 3.9421E-01 1.8349E-02 1.0244E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1632 2.7196 2.8828 0.9434 0.01438 0.00529 1.000 0.1632 2.7196 2.8828 0.9434 0.01438 0.00529 2.000 0.1632 2.7196 2.8828 0.9434 0.01438 0.00529 3.000 0.1632 2.7196 2.8828 0.9434 0.01438 0.00529 4.000 0.1632 2.7196 2.8828 0.9434 0.01438 0.00529 5.000 0.1632 2.7196 2.8828 0.9434 0.01438 0.00529 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 585.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 585.0 19 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 2.7908E-01 6.5816E-02 2.1438E-01 2.9089E-01 2.1665E-02 1.005 3.0412E-01 6.9000E-02 2.4082E-01 3.2067E-01 -2.7018E-02 2.005 3.1679E-01 1.6587E-02 2.7376E-01 3.4490E-01 -8.5119E-02 3.005 3.2012E-01 -7.8552E-02 2.7058E-01 3.7513E-01 -1.3235E-01 4.005 3.1708E-01 -1.8538E-01 2.2630E-01 4.3519E-01 -1.6065E-01 4.995 3.0189E-01 -3.2200E-01 -1.5975E-02 6.0889E-01 -1.6951E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 7.9083E-03 0.0997 0.4524 0.2891 0.3523 0.000 1.3757E-02 0.0524 0.7340 0.4258 0.6379 1.000 1.8440E-02 0.0657 0.6857 0.4231 0.5790 2.000 2.6625E-02 0.0855 0.6641 0.4445 0.5385 3.000 4.0889E-02 0.1210 0.6567 0.4810 0.4953 4.000 6.5231E-02 0.1899 0.6550 0.5144 0.4273 5.000 1.0530E-01 0.3308 0.6501 0.5000 0.3042 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.4323E-01 7.4112E-02 1.8991E+00 5.8777E-03 7.9083E-03 0.000 7.0612E-01 3.7018E-02 1.0490E+00 9.7141E-03 1.3757E-02 1.000 5.2725E-01 3.4641E-02 8.5085E-01 9.7225E-03 1.8440E-02 2.000 3.8619E-01 3.3016E-02 6.5584E-01 1.0282E-02 2.6625E-02 3.000 2.8070E-01 3.3968E-02 4.9809E-01 1.1477E-02 4.0889E-02 4.000 2.0401E-01 3.8733E-02 3.8678E-01 1.3308E-02 6.5231E-02 5.000 1.4932E-01 4.9397E-02 3.2847E-01 1.5723E-02 1.0530E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.1860 2.6850 2.8710 0.9352 0.01415 0.00527 1.000 0.1860 2.6850 2.8710 0.9352 0.01415 0.00527 2.000 0.1860 2.6850 2.8710 0.9352 0.01415 0.00527 3.000 0.1860 2.6850 2.8710 0.9352 0.01415 0.00527 4.000 0.1860 2.6850 2.8710 0.9352 0.01415 0.00527 5.000 0.1860 2.6850 2.8710 0.9352 0.01415 0.00527 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 595.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 595.0 20 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 3.4201E-01 1.1654E-01 2.6408E-01 3.5083E-01 6.7462E-02 1.005 3.7131E-01 1.2400E-01 3.1509E-01 3.8366E-01 -9.3914E-03 2.005 3.8430E-01 3.9433E-02 3.4830E-01 4.0770E-01 -1.0172E-01 3.005 3.8679E-01 -1.0391E-01 3.4038E-01 4.3909E-01 -1.7265E-01 4.005 3.8246E-01 -2.5304E-01 2.7961E-01 5.1205E-01 -2.1119E-01 4.995 3.6224E-01 -4.3994E-01 -9.6466E-02 7.7669E-01 -2.2055E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 5.5663E-03 0.0925 0.4534 0.2810 0.3580 0.000 9.3057E-03 0.0376 0.7418 0.4110 0.6686 1.000 1.2883E-02 0.0475 0.6939 0.4078 0.6115 2.000 1.9895E-02 0.0634 0.6748 0.4360 0.5755 3.000 3.3654E-02 0.0961 0.6699 0.4849 0.5346 4.000 6.0078E-02 0.1688 0.6702 0.5282 0.4588 5.000 1.0887E-01 0.3420 0.6653 0.5000 0.3008 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.1268E-01 6.5940E-02 1.8066E+00 3.9670E-03 5.5663E-03 0.000 6.7197E-01 2.5247E-02 9.6725E-01 6.2531E-03 9.3057E-03 1.000 4.6983E-01 2.2308E-02 7.3183E-01 6.0528E-03 1.2883E-02 2.000 3.2167E-01 2.0402E-02 5.2345E-01 6.3996E-03 1.9895E-02 3.000 2.1862E-01 2.1004E-02 3.6966E-01 7.3573E-03 3.3654E-02 4.000 1.4873E-01 2.5113E-02 2.6945E-01 8.9355E-03 6.0078E-02 5.000 1.0210E-01 3.4921E-02 2.2332E-01 1.1116E-02 1.0887E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.2349 2.6549 2.8898 0.9187 0.01395 0.00525 1.000 0.2349 2.6549 2.8898 0.9187 0.01395 0.00525 2.000 0.2349 2.6549 2.8898 0.9187 0.01395 0.00525 3.000 0.2349 2.6549 2.8898 0.9187 0.01395 0.00525 4.000 0.2349 2.6549 2.8898 0.9187 0.01395 0.00525 5.000 0.2349 2.6549 2.8898 0.9187 0.01395 0.00525 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 605.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 605.0 21 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.4731E-01 2.2742E-01 3.5794E-01 4.5281E-01 1.9840E-01 1.005 4.8219E-01 2.5630E-01 4.3714E-01 4.8923E-01 7.5624E-02 2.005 4.9470E-01 1.2408E-01 4.7116E-01 5.1024E-01 -9.5593E-02 3.005 4.9517E-01 -1.1491E-01 4.5969E-01 5.3793E-01 -2.2641E-01 4.005 4.8864E-01 -3.4963E-01 3.7965E-01 6.2028E-01 -2.9073E-01 4.995 4.6252E-01 -6.2158E-01 -1.9783E-01 1.0314E+00 -3.0368E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 3.5272E-03 0.0863 0.4543 0.2735 0.3630 0.000 5.3772E-03 0.0244 0.7493 0.3897 0.6983 1.000 7.4145E-03 0.0302 0.7033 0.3821 0.6462 2.000 1.2214E-02 0.0402 0.6885 0.4148 0.6195 3.000 2.3668E-02 0.0653 0.6874 0.4817 0.5877 4.000 5.0395E-02 0.1352 0.6910 0.5443 0.5101 5.000 1.1014E-01 0.3460 0.6871 0.5000 0.3045 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.4132E-01 6.3992E-02 1.8659E+00 2.6147E-03 3.5272E-03 0.000 6.9423E-01 1.6913E-02 9.6988E-01 3.7330E-03 5.3772E-03 1.000 4.3523E-01 1.3133E-02 6.5318E-01 3.2270E-03 7.4145E-03 2.000 2.6670E-01 1.0717E-02 4.1319E-01 3.2575E-03 1.2214E-02 3.000 1.6247E-01 1.0609E-02 2.5839E-01 3.8454E-03 2.3668E-02 4.000 9.9289E-02 1.3420E-02 1.6834E-01 5.0036E-03 5.0395E-02 5.000 6.1391E-02 2.1242E-02 1.3184E-01 6.7615E-03 1.1014E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3165 2.6218 2.9382 0.8923 0.01374 0.00524 1.000 0.3165 2.6218 2.9382 0.8923 0.01374 0.00524 2.000 0.3165 2.6218 2.9382 0.8923 0.01374 0.00524 3.000 0.3165 2.6218 2.9382 0.8923 0.01374 0.00524 4.000 0.3165 2.6218 2.9382 0.8923 0.01374 0.00524 5.000 0.3165 2.6218 2.9382 0.8923 0.01374 0.00524 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 615.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 615.0 22 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.5444E-01 2.3553E-01 3.6487E-01 4.5969E-01 2.0844E-01 1.005 4.8931E-01 2.6598E-01 4.4520E-01 4.9597E-01 8.3195E-02 2.005 5.0170E-01 1.3140E-01 4.7906E-01 5.1654E-01 -9.3616E-02 3.005 5.0209E-01 -1.1398E-01 4.6793E-01 5.4341E-01 -2.2918E-01 4.005 4.9554E-01 -3.5505E-01 3.8829E-01 6.2427E-01 -2.9571E-01 4.995 4.6971E-01 -6.3254E-01 -1.9369E-01 1.0329E+00 -3.0929E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 3.3808E-03 0.0857 0.4551 0.2744 0.3643 0.000 5.1237E-03 0.0234 0.7498 0.3880 0.7005 1.000 7.0502E-03 0.0289 0.7043 0.3802 0.6491 2.000 1.1639E-02 0.0385 0.6898 0.4129 0.6232 3.000 2.2725E-02 0.0627 0.6888 0.4808 0.5924 4.000 4.8919E-02 0.1309 0.6926 0.5449 0.5161 5.000 1.0824E-01 0.3400 0.6890 0.5000 0.3096 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.2841E-01 6.2436E-02 1.8280E+00 2.4626E-03 3.3808E-03 0.000 6.8193E-01 1.5964E-02 9.5066E-01 3.4940E-03 5.1237E-03 1.000 4.2447E-01 1.2279E-02 6.3499E-01 2.9926E-03 7.0502E-03 2.000 2.5828E-01 9.9323E-03 3.9851E-01 3.0062E-03 1.1639E-02 3.000 1.5625E-01 9.7890E-03 2.4721E-01 3.5507E-03 2.2725E-02 4.000 9.4829E-02 1.2412E-02 1.5970E-01 4.6390E-03 4.8919E-02 5.000 5.8227E-02 1.9800E-02 1.2411E-01 6.3025E-03 1.0824E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3222 2.5920 2.9142 0.8894 0.01354 0.00523 1.000 0.3222 2.5920 2.9142 0.8894 0.01354 0.00523 2.000 0.3222 2.5920 2.9142 0.8894 0.01354 0.00523 3.000 0.3222 2.5920 2.9142 0.8894 0.01354 0.00523 4.000 0.3222 2.5920 2.9142 0.8894 0.01354 0.00523 5.000 0.3222 2.5920 2.9142 0.8894 0.01354 0.00523 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 625.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 625.0 23 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.6992E-01 2.5322E-01 3.7979E-01 4.7477E-01 2.3101E-01 1.005 5.0511E-01 2.8744E-01 4.6267E-01 5.1114E-01 1.0066E-01 2.005 5.1730E-01 1.4758E-01 4.9637E-01 5.3100E-01 -8.9058E-02 3.005 5.1741E-01 -1.1254E-01 4.8539E-01 5.5667E-01 -2.3557E-01 4.005 5.1064E-01 -3.6776E-01 4.0496E-01 6.3651E-01 -3.0690E-01 4.995 4.8466E-01 -6.5765E-01 -1.9736E-01 1.0552E+00 -3.2148E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 3.1581E-03 0.0849 0.4559 0.2750 0.3658 0.000 4.7189E-03 0.0219 0.7506 0.3852 0.7041 1.000 6.4595E-03 0.0269 0.7058 0.3767 0.6538 2.000 1.0710E-02 0.0357 0.6919 0.4094 0.6292 3.000 2.1266E-02 0.0585 0.6913 0.4794 0.6003 4.000 4.6910E-02 0.1248 0.6955 0.5467 0.5253 5.000 1.0663E-01 0.3350 0.6924 0.5000 0.3145 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.2222E-01 6.1305E-02 1.8070E+00 2.2809E-03 3.1581E-03 0.000 6.7571E-01 1.4805E-02 9.3868E-01 3.1886E-03 4.7189E-03 1.000 4.1403E-01 1.1155E-02 6.1620E-01 2.6744E-03 6.4595E-03 2.000 2.4800E-01 8.8471E-03 3.8006E-01 2.6562E-03 1.0710E-02 3.000 1.4773E-01 8.6377E-03 2.3171E-01 3.1416E-03 2.1266E-02 4.000 8.8305E-02 1.1019E-02 1.4711E-01 4.1424E-03 4.6910E-02 5.000 5.3411E-02 1.7892E-02 1.1292E-01 5.6952E-03 1.0663E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3344 2.5601 2.8945 0.8845 0.01335 0.00521 1.000 0.3344 2.5601 2.8945 0.8845 0.01335 0.00521 2.000 0.3344 2.5601 2.8945 0.8845 0.01335 0.00521 3.000 0.3344 2.5601 2.8945 0.8845 0.01335 0.00521 4.000 0.3344 2.5601 2.8945 0.8845 0.01335 0.00521 5.000 0.3344 2.5601 2.8945 0.8845 0.01335 0.00521 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 635.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 635.0 24 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 4.8941E-01 2.7576E-01 3.9871E-01 4.9385E-01 2.6056E-01 1.005 5.2504E-01 3.1522E-01 4.8458E-01 5.3039E-01 1.2482E-01 2.005 5.3696E-01 1.6954E-01 5.1805E-01 5.4938E-01 -8.1563E-02 3.005 5.3669E-01 -1.0940E-01 5.0725E-01 5.7357E-01 -2.4294E-01 4.005 5.2959E-01 -3.8327E-01 4.2581E-01 6.5222E-01 -3.2080E-01 4.995 5.0336E-01 -6.8911E-01 -2.0269E-01 1.0846E+00 -3.3673E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.9238E-03 0.0840 0.4567 0.2754 0.3672 0.000 4.2901E-03 0.0203 0.7515 0.3820 0.7080 1.000 5.8243E-03 0.0248 0.7076 0.3726 0.6590 2.000 9.6902E-03 0.0326 0.6943 0.4051 0.6361 3.000 1.9629E-02 0.0538 0.6943 0.4776 0.6093 4.000 4.4632E-02 0.1179 0.6990 0.5488 0.5361 5.000 1.0493E-01 0.3296 0.6964 0.5000 0.3199 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.1765E-01 6.0298E-02 1.7902E+00 2.0982E-03 2.9238E-03 0.000 6.7096E-01 1.3623E-02 9.2850E-01 2.8785E-03 4.2901E-03 1.000 4.0303E-01 9.9973E-03 5.9644E-01 2.3474E-03 5.8243E-03 2.000 2.3668E-01 7.7255E-03 3.5995E-01 2.2935E-03 9.6902E-03 3.000 1.3826E-01 7.4421E-03 2.1472E-01 2.7140E-03 1.9629E-02 4.000 8.1085E-02 9.5589E-03 1.3341E-01 3.6190E-03 4.4632E-02 5.000 4.8128E-02 1.5865E-02 1.0084E-01 5.0501E-03 1.0493E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3497 2.5270 2.8767 0.8784 0.01314 0.00520 1.000 0.3497 2.5270 2.8767 0.8784 0.01314 0.00520 2.000 0.3497 2.5270 2.8767 0.8784 0.01314 0.00520 3.000 0.3497 2.5270 2.8767 0.8784 0.01314 0.00520 4.000 0.3497 2.5270 2.8767 0.8784 0.01314 0.00520 5.000 0.3497 2.5270 2.8767 0.8784 0.01314 0.00520 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 645.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 645.0 25 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 5.1677E-01 3.0644E-01 4.2524E-01 5.2075E-01 3.0066E-01 1.005 5.5315E-01 3.5283E-01 5.1506E-01 5.5776E-01 1.5784E-01 2.005 5.6466E-01 1.9832E-01 5.4820E-01 5.7577E-01 -7.2500E-02 3.005 5.6376E-01 -1.0818E-01 5.3702E-01 5.9849E-01 -2.5501E-01 4.005 5.5607E-01 -4.0778E-01 4.5247E-01 6.7779E-01 -3.4137E-01 4.995 5.2877E-01 -7.3532E-01 -2.2663E-01 1.1484E+00 -3.5846E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.6750E-03 0.0831 0.4575 0.2757 0.3686 0.000 3.8309E-03 0.0185 0.7525 0.3784 0.7123 1.000 5.1476E-03 0.0225 0.7096 0.3679 0.6648 2.000 8.6172E-03 0.0294 0.6973 0.4002 0.6439 3.000 1.7984E-02 0.0490 0.6981 0.4763 0.6194 4.000 4.2728E-02 0.1116 0.7035 0.5528 0.5473 5.000 1.0536E-01 0.3310 0.7012 0.5000 0.3204 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.9722E-01 5.7950E-02 1.7342E+00 1.8651E-03 2.6750E-03 0.000 6.5133E-01 1.2075E-02 8.9742E-01 2.4952E-03 3.8309E-03 1.000 3.8046E-01 8.5496E-03 5.5942E-01 1.9585E-03 5.1476E-03 2.000 2.1727E-01 6.3812E-03 3.2753E-01 1.8722E-03 8.6172E-03 3.000 1.2349E-01 6.0482E-03 1.8961E-01 2.2209E-03 1.7984E-02 4.000 7.0509E-02 7.8677E-03 1.1446E-01 3.0128E-03 4.2728E-02 5.000 4.0770E-02 1.3495E-02 8.5130E-02 4.2956E-03 1.0536E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.3710 2.4980 2.8690 0.8707 0.01297 0.00519 1.000 0.3710 2.4980 2.8690 0.8707 0.01297 0.00519 2.000 0.3710 2.4980 2.8690 0.8707 0.01297 0.00519 3.000 0.3710 2.4980 2.8690 0.8707 0.01297 0.00519 4.000 0.3710 2.4980 2.8690 0.8707 0.01297 0.00519 5.000 0.3710 2.4980 2.8690 0.8707 0.01297 0.00519 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 655.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 655.0 26 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 5.7809E-01 3.7740E-01 4.8508E-01 5.8130E-01 4.0120E-01 1.005 6.1623E-01 4.4636E-01 5.8286E-01 6.1947E-01 2.6028E-01 2.005 6.2671E-01 2.8825E-01 6.1562E-01 6.3491E-01 -2.1117E-02 3.005 6.2420E-01 -7.5359E-02 6.0484E-01 6.5282E-01 -2.6536E-01 4.005 6.1507E-01 -4.4582E-01 5.1858E-01 7.2730E-01 -3.8098E-01 4.995 5.8642E-01 -8.2947E-01 -2.4075E-01 1.2407E+00 -4.0456E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.2916E-03 0.0818 0.4582 0.2752 0.3703 0.000 3.1054E-03 0.0157 0.7544 0.3720 0.7195 1.000 3.9975E-03 0.0187 0.7132 0.3583 0.6748 2.000 6.5700E-03 0.0236 0.7030 0.3870 0.6582 3.000 1.4305E-02 0.0392 0.7054 0.4668 0.6399 4.000 3.7085E-02 0.0952 0.7123 0.5563 0.5745 5.000 1.0132E-01 0.3183 0.7115 0.5000 0.3338 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.6857E-01 5.4693E-02 1.6577E+00 1.5321E-03 2.2916E-03 0.000 6.2368E-01 9.8141E-03 8.5316E-01 1.9368E-03 3.1054E-03 1.000 3.4218E-01 6.3830E-03 4.9759E-01 1.3678E-03 3.9975E-03 2.000 1.8353E-01 4.3324E-03 2.7228E-01 1.2058E-03 6.5700E-03 3.000 9.8120E-02 3.8434E-03 1.4733E-01 1.4036E-03 1.4305E-02 4.000 5.2776E-02 5.0222E-03 8.3121E-02 1.9572E-03 3.7085E-02 5.000 2.8783E-02 9.1616E-03 5.8779E-02 2.9162E-03 1.0132E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.4185 2.4647 2.8832 0.8548 0.01277 0.00518 1.000 0.4185 2.4647 2.8832 0.8548 0.01277 0.00518 2.000 0.4185 2.4647 2.8832 0.8548 0.01277 0.00518 3.000 0.4185 2.4647 2.8832 0.8548 0.01277 0.00518 4.000 0.4185 2.4647 2.8832 0.8548 0.01277 0.00518 5.000 0.4185 2.4647 2.8832 0.8548 0.01277 0.00518 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 665.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 665.0 27 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 6.6095E-01 4.6867E-01 5.6723E-01 6.6362E-01 5.2811E-01 1.005 7.0090E-01 5.6676E-01 6.7247E-01 7.0306E-01 4.3013E-01 2.005 7.0940E-01 4.3915E-01 7.0394E-01 7.1466E-01 1.2703E-01 3.005 7.0410E-01 4.4658E-02 6.9440E-01 7.2436E-01 -2.1740E-01 4.005 6.9237E-01 -4.4040E-01 6.1495E-01 7.8233E-01 -4.0625E-01 4.995 6.6325E-01 -9.2536E-01 -1.6516E-01 1.2606E+00 -4.5526E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.0379E-03 0.0809 0.4589 0.2754 0.3717 0.000 2.6330E-03 0.0137 0.7558 0.3692 0.7251 1.000 3.1759E-03 0.0159 0.7170 0.3526 0.6835 2.000 4.8000E-03 0.0191 0.7091 0.3728 0.6712 3.000 1.0252E-02 0.0297 0.7134 0.4450 0.6608 4.000 2.8545E-02 0.0732 0.7218 0.5484 0.6102 5.000 8.7672E-02 0.2754 0.7232 0.5000 0.3747 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 7.0423E-01 5.6961E-02 1.7413E+00 1.4351E-03 2.0379E-03 0.000 6.5625E-01 8.9922E-03 8.9263E-01 1.7279E-03 2.6330E-03 1.000 3.3090E-01 5.2580E-03 4.7645E-01 1.0509E-03 3.1759E-03 2.000 1.6322E-01 3.1151E-03 2.3852E-01 7.8343E-04 4.8000E-03 3.000 8.0443E-02 2.3901E-03 1.1813E-01 8.2468E-04 1.0252E-02 4.000 3.9999E-02 2.9263E-03 6.0753E-02 1.1418E-03 2.8545E-02 5.000 2.0209E-02 5.5662E-03 3.9077E-02 1.7718E-03 8.7672E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.4830 2.4288 2.9118 0.8341 0.01256 0.00517 1.000 0.4830 2.4288 2.9118 0.8341 0.01256 0.00517 2.000 0.4830 2.4288 2.9118 0.8341 0.01256 0.00517 3.000 0.4830 2.4288 2.9118 0.8341 0.01256 0.00517 4.000 0.4830 2.4288 2.9118 0.8341 0.01256 0.00517 5.000 0.4830 2.4288 2.9118 0.8341 0.01256 0.00517 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 675.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 675.0 28 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 6.8691E-01 4.8902E-01 5.9455E-01 6.8992E-01 5.4093E-01 1.005 7.2647E-01 5.7841E-01 6.9804E-01 7.2913E-01 4.7567E-01 2.005 7.3339E-01 4.7885E-01 7.2724E-01 7.3893E-01 2.3183E-01 3.005 7.2596E-01 1.4740E-01 7.1628E-01 7.4486E-01 -1.0919E-01 4.005 7.1157E-01 -3.4207E-01 6.4096E-01 7.9256E-01 -3.5089E-01 4.995 6.8033E-01 -8.8412E-01 -6.8472E-02 1.2065E+00 -4.3895E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.2196E-03 0.0813 0.4596 0.2778 0.3722 0.000 3.0178E-03 0.0150 0.7551 0.3781 0.7221 1.000 3.6466E-03 0.0176 0.7169 0.3637 0.6806 2.000 5.2427E-03 0.0213 0.7094 0.3808 0.6678 3.000 1.0223E-02 0.0315 0.7135 0.4389 0.6573 4.000 2.6733E-02 0.0710 0.7211 0.5320 0.6111 5.000 8.0739E-02 0.2536 0.7219 0.5000 0.3944 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.9499E-01 5.6530E-02 1.7156E+00 1.5426E-03 2.2196E-03 0.000 6.4817E-01 9.7197E-03 8.8414E-01 1.9560E-03 3.0178E-03 1.000 3.1845E-01 5.6151E-03 4.5965E-01 1.1613E-03 3.6466E-03 2.000 1.5322E-01 3.2576E-03 2.2455E-01 8.0327E-04 5.2427E-03 3.000 7.3799E-02 2.3278E-03 1.0874E-01 7.5447E-04 1.0223E-02 4.000 3.5948E-02 2.5524E-03 5.4650E-02 9.6102E-04 2.6733E-02 5.000 1.7846E-02 4.5266E-03 3.3774E-02 1.4409E-03 8.0739E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.5048 2.4016 2.9064 0.8263 0.01240 0.00516 1.000 0.5048 2.4016 2.9064 0.8263 0.01240 0.00516 2.000 0.5048 2.4016 2.9064 0.8263 0.01240 0.00516 3.000 0.5048 2.4016 2.9064 0.8263 0.01240 0.00516 4.000 0.5048 2.4016 2.9064 0.8263 0.01240 0.00516 5.000 0.5048 2.4016 2.9064 0.8263 0.01240 0.00516 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 685.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 685.0 29 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 7.2008E-01 5.0873E-01 6.2840E-01 7.2355E-01 5.4907E-01 1.005 7.5941E-01 5.8552E-01 7.3073E-01 7.6286E-01 4.9391E-01 2.005 7.6431E-01 4.9056E-01 7.5659E-01 7.7106E-01 2.7894E-01 3.005 7.5403E-01 1.8749E-01 7.4075E-01 7.7511E-01 -5.0470E-02 4.005 7.3586E-01 -2.9521E-01 6.5665E-01 8.2449E-01 -3.1919E-01 4.995 6.9771E-01 -8.7691E-01 -1.0530E-01 1.2987E+00 -4.3373E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.3923E-03 0.0818 0.4603 0.2800 0.3726 0.000 3.3831E-03 0.0161 0.7544 0.3858 0.7195 1.000 4.1831E-03 0.0194 0.7169 0.3744 0.6778 2.000 6.0183E-03 0.0240 0.7097 0.3918 0.6638 3.000 1.1424E-02 0.0358 0.7136 0.4440 0.6507 4.000 2.9246E-02 0.0787 0.7203 0.5288 0.5993 5.000 8.8627E-02 0.2784 0.7185 0.5000 0.3703 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.2829E-01 5.1367E-02 1.5485E+00 1.5031E-03 2.3923E-03 0.000 5.8638E-01 9.4661E-03 8.0178E-01 1.9838E-03 3.3831E-03 1.000 2.7865E-01 5.4084E-03 4.0314E-01 1.1656E-03 4.1831E-03 2.000 1.2984E-01 3.1160E-03 1.9089E-01 7.8140E-04 6.0183E-03 3.000 6.0712E-02 2.1722E-03 8.9966E-02 6.9355E-04 1.1424E-02 4.000 2.8807E-02 2.2685E-03 4.4285E-02 8.4248E-04 2.9246E-02 5.000 1.3999E-02 3.8978E-03 2.7279E-02 1.2407E-03 8.8627E-02 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.5320 2.3857 2.9177 0.8177 0.01230 0.00515 1.000 0.5320 2.3857 2.9177 0.8177 0.01230 0.00515 2.000 0.5320 2.3857 2.9177 0.8177 0.01230 0.00515 3.000 0.5320 2.3857 2.9177 0.8177 0.01230 0.00515 4.000 0.5320 2.3857 2.9177 0.8177 0.01230 0.00515 5.000 0.5320 2.3857 2.9177 0.8177 0.01230 0.00515 "HYDROLIGHT Run Title: R1 (07/18/2013 17:01)" "Wavelength = 695.0 nm" 30 4 "(num of wavelengths, num of sheets)" "line 4: reserved for future use" "line 5: reserved for future use" 695.0 30 "(wavelength and wavelength band)" "K funcs" 6 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Kd" "Ku" "Ko" "Knet" "KLu" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" 0.005 7.9668E-01 5.7261E-01 7.0330E-01 7.9966E-01 6.2001E-01 1.005 8.3757E-01 6.5770E-01 8.1280E-01 8.4046E-01 5.5048E-01 2.005 8.4061E-01 5.3548E-01 8.3608E-01 8.4682E-01 2.8015E-01 3.005 8.2770E-01 1.4969E-01 8.1503E-01 8.4996E-01 -1.2316E-01 4.005 8.0663E-01 -4.2233E-01 7.0815E-01 9.1686E-01 -4.1439E-01 4.995 7.5911E-01 -1.0598E+00 -3.8451E-01 1.7599E+00 -5.1635E-01 "AOPs" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Lu/Ed" "R=Eu/Ed" "Mud" "Muu" "Mu" "(m)" "(1/sr)" " " " " " " " " "in air" 2.0189E-03 0.0804 0.4609 0.2794 0.3742 0.000 2.6734E-03 0.0131 0.7564 0.3788 0.7274 1.000 3.3420E-03 0.0158 0.7208 0.3677 0.6880 2.000 5.0260E-03 0.0199 0.7157 0.3884 0.6767 3.000 1.0673E-02 0.0317 0.7213 0.4518 0.6648 4.000 3.2104E-02 0.0818 0.7290 0.5513 0.6040 5.000 1.1401E-01 0.3582 0.7253 0.5000 0.3063 "IRRAD" 7 6 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "Ed" "Eu" "Eo" "Lu" "Lu/Ed" "(m)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 nm)" "(W/m^2 sr nm)" "(1/sr)" "in air" 6.0415E-01 4.8571E-02 1.4845E+00 1.2197E-03 2.0189E-03 0.000 5.6295E-01 7.3838E-03 7.6373E-01 1.5050E-03 2.6734E-03 1.000 2.4745E-01 3.9217E-03 3.5397E-01 8.2699E-04 3.3420E-03 2.000 1.0672E-01 2.1235E-03 1.5458E-01 5.3637E-04 5.0260E-03 3.000 4.6299E-02 1.4669E-03 6.7435E-02 4.9417E-04 1.0673E-02 4.000 2.0437E-02 1.6718E-03 3.1065E-02 6.5610E-04 3.2104E-02 5.000 9.2757E-03 3.3223E-03 1.9434E-02 1.0575E-03 1.1401E-01 "IOPs" 6 7 "(sheet title, num rows, num cols)" "depth" "a" "b" "c" "omega0" "bb" "bb/b" "(m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" "(1/m)" " " "(1/m)" 0.000 0.5897 2.3697 2.9594 0.8007 0.01219 0.00515 1.000 0.5897 2.3697 2.9594 0.8007 0.01219 0.00515 2.000 0.5897 2.3697 2.9594 0.8007 0.01219 0.00515 3.000 0.5897 2.3697 2.9594 0.8007 0.01219 0.00515 4.000 0.5897 2.3697 2.9594 0.8007 0.01219 0.00515 5.000 0.5897 2.3697 2.9594 0.8007 0.01219 0.00515