24-May-2022 11:50:32 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.9,95,,,,8,,36,,,0,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,0.0,,,5,1,2,6,) to COM8 24-May-2022 11:50:32 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 24-May-2022 19:41:23 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.4,98,,,,8,8,36,27,19,,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,6,2,2,7,) to COM8 24-May-2022 19:41:23 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 25-May-2022 07:42:41 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.7,99,,,,7,7,36,27,18,,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,0.0,,,,,,,) to COM8 25-May-2022 07:42:41 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 25-May-2022 08:53:49 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.9,99,,,,8,,36,,,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,0.0,0,,7,1,2,6,135) to COM8 25-May-2022 08:53:49 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 25-May-2022 11:58:54 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.7,99,02,2,2,8,7,36,27,,2,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,0.0,,,3,4,2,6,) to COM8 25-May-2022 11:58:54 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 25-May-2022 23:44:22 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.3,96,,,,8,8,,,,1,15,1.0,350,15,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,) to COM8 25-May-2022 23:44:22 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 26-May-2022 09:49:32 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.5,96,,,,8,8,36,22,,,1,0.5,360,1,0.5,,,,,,,6,0,0,5,) to COM8 26-May-2022 09:49:32 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 26-May-2022 14:45:52 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,95,10,2,2,8,9,36,,,0,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,2,7,) to COM8 26-May-2022 14:45:52 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 26-May-2022 15:43:43 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,93,10,,,8,,36,,,1,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,4,0,2,7,) to COM8 26-May-2022 15:43:43 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 26-May-2022 15:43:44 UTC [GENERAL] JVM: total designated memory = 2014 MB; current allocated free memory = 8 MB; total allocated memory = 32 MB; used memory = 24 MB; total free memory = 1990 MB 26-May-2022 17:58:27 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,93,,,,,,37,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) to COM8 26-May-2022 17:58:27 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 26-May-2022 23:13:12 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.5,,,,,6,6,,,13,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) to COM8 26-May-2022 23:13:12 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 26-May-2022 23:52:05 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.0,99,,,,5,5,31,26,18,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,,7,) to COM8 26-May-2022 23:52:05 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 01:47:42 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,98,03,1,1,8,8,30,21,,6,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,4,7,) to COM8 27-May-2022 01:47:42 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 02:52:09 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,98,02,,,8,8,30,21,,6,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,4,8,) to COM8 27-May-2022 02:52:09 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 03:51:53 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,98,01,,,8,8,34,22,,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,4,7,) to COM8 27-May-2022 03:51:53 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 07:53:18 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,,,,,,,37,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,) to COM8 27-May-2022 07:53:18 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 12:58:20 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.7,99,,,,2,2,30,20,14,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,4,8,) to COM8 27-May-2022 12:58:21 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 13:53:23 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.8,99,,,,1,1,30,20,13,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,2,6,) to COM8 27-May-2022 13:53:23 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 14:48:00 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.6,99,00,,,1,0,30,,14,9,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,0,5,7,) to COM8 27-May-2022 14:48:00 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 15:49:57 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,,,,,,,31,24,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) to COM8 27-May-2022 15:49:57 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 15:53:49 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) to COM8 27-May-2022 15:53:49 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 15:54:50 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) to COM8 27-May-2022 15:54:50 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 20:51:10 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,0,0,30,20,10,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 27-May-2022 20:51:10 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 27-May-2022 23:50:32 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,0,0,30,20,10,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,6,) to COM8 27-May-2022 23:50:32 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 00:57:11 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.6,99,00,,,1,0,30,20,19,9,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,5,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 00:57:11 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 00:57:13 UTC [GENERAL] JVM: total designated memory = 2014 MB; current allocated free memory = 21 MB; total allocated memory = 44 MB; used memory = 23 MB; total free memory = 1991 MB 28-May-2022 01:43:21 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.6,99,00,,,1,0,30,20,15,9,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,5,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 01:43:21 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 06:40:52 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.0,99,00,,,1,0,30,20,15,9,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,5,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 06:40:52 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 06:43:00 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,3.0,,,,,,,30,20,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,) to COM8 28-May-2022 06:43:00 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 09:59:18 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,0,0,30,20,10,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 09:59:18 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 19:53:18 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,0,0,30,20,10,9,,,,,,,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 19:53:18 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 22:49:05 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,1,1,30,20,16,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 22:49:05 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 28-May-2022 23:45:12 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,1,1,30,20,16,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 28-May-2022 23:45:12 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 02:53:44 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.6,99,02,,,1,,30,,,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,5,7,) to COM8 29-May-2022 02:53:44 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 03:41:05 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,2.0,99,02,,,1,0,30,20,17,8,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,5,7,) to COM8 29-May-2022 03:41:05 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 08:58:29 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,1,1,30,20,16,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 29-May-2022 08:58:29 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 10:42:19 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,1,1,31,20,11,6,,,,,,,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 29-May-2022 10:42:19 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 14:51:31 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.0,99,02,,,1,1,30,24,10,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,2,7,) to COM8 29-May-2022 14:51:31 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 20:51:49 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.3,99,02,,,1,0,30,20,14,9,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,5,1,5,8,) to COM8 29-May-2022 20:51:49 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 21:50:01 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,1,0,30,20,14,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,2,5,8,315) to COM8 29-May-2022 21:50:01 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 29-May-2022 22:50:10 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,,99,,,,1,0,30,20,14,9,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,2,5,7,315) to COM8 29-May-2022 22:50:10 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 30-May-2022 06:58:01 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,2.1,,,,,,,31,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,,) to COM8 30-May-2022 06:58:01 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 30-May-2022 12:46:20 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,1.0,98,01,,,3,3,32,27,10,6,,,,,,,,,,,,3,1,0,7,90) to COM8 30-May-2022 12:46:20 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 30-May-2022 13:59:42 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.6,97,01,,,6,4,30,24,15,6,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,2,0,1,7,90) to COM8 30-May-2022 13:59:42 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 30-May-2022 14:42:47 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.6,92,48,,,,,,,16,,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,2,1,2,5,90) to COM8 30-May-2022 14:42:47 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 30-May-2022 15:45:49 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,91,49,4,4,,,,,,,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,2,0,2,7,) to COM8 30-May-2022 15:45:49 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 30-May-2022 21:56:26 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-1.0,98,,,,7,1,36,27,15,0,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,3,2,7,) to COM8 30-May-2022 21:56:26 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 31-May-2022 09:54:36 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.5,99,02,,,8,8,,,,6,,,000,,,000,,,,,,8,8,2,7,45) to COM8 31-May-2022 09:54:36 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 31-May-2022 12:47:19 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,0.7,99,03,,,8,8,37,22,10,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,2,1,2,5,90) to COM8 31-May-2022 12:47:19 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 31-May-2022 15:45:32 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.6,99,00,,,8,8,37,22,,4,0,0.0,000,,,000,,,,,,3,1,2,6,) to COM8 31-May-2022 15:45:32 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 31-May-2022 21:45:49 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,0.2,98,,,,7,6,36,26,14,7,,,,,,,,,,,,5,2,5,8,) to COM8 31-May-2022 21:45:49 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully 31-May-2022 23:43:16 UTC [AWS] obs sent ok ($PTBWP,0,,,,,-0.4,99,,,,7,3,36,26,,7,,,000,,,000,,,,,,5,2,5,8,) to COM8 31-May-2022 23:43:16 UTC [IMMT] appended immt.log successfully