----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UVP5 Pilot Module, version 7.20 2015/03/20 Pilot Starting Time : 20151123_0122 Project path : C:\\uvp5_sn201_2015_naames_01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- => Checking COMPUTER Communication ports Port list = COM3;COM4; > COM PORT 4 being checked now for UVP5 status messages > COM4 OPEN SURV : 11/23 01:22:56 179° 20°C 30.0V -1.9m > Message V092... UVP running now => Testing if UVP5 responds to SBTY messages > UVP RUN_OK or V092 messages received ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION : TURN ON UVP5 light (test / alignment) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > COM4 OPEN NOW => TRYING TO STANDBY UVP5 sent: U013STBY_PRG! UVP STBY_OK messages received > Responding time = 3.6 sec. => POWERING LIGHTS sent: U024SET_OUTPUT_00000001! UVP5 LIGHT POWERED => START LIGHTS for 30s sent: U024SET_OUTPUT_00000101! UVP5 LIGHT ON for 30s => STOP LIGHT and POWER OFF sent: U024SET_OUTPUT_00000000! UVP5 LIGHT FLASHING for 30s UVP RUN_OK messages received > COM4 CLOSED NOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION : EXIT PILOT MODULE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > COM4 CLOSED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PILOT MODULE CLOSED -----------------------------------------------------------------------------