Instrument Make and Model: Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer (PSP) SWR01 SWR709 VOSHPS v1.6 - SWR only Interval mode Calibration Date: New sensor installed May 27, 2015. Latest cal May 2015. Installation: aft port side of MET mast 68 ft above waterline Calibration Constants: SWR: -4.12368e+03 1.25962e-01 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 RAW datafile: MET 2013/05/05 23:00:13.091 SWR 75.217 dsLog time stamp: MET 2013/02/05 13:00:05.320 SWR MET Meteorological Sensor 2013/02/05 date in gmt 13:00:05.320 time in gmt SWR data collected using Long Radiation Sensor data 455.292 watts/square meter Notes: ASIMET documentation: