PSA file: C:\data\ctd\at34_setup_file.psa Date: 05/15/2016 Instrument configuration file: C:\data\ctd\09P-0749_at34.xmlcon Configuration report for SBE 911plus/917plus CTD ------------------------------------------------ Frequency channels suppressed : 0 Voltage words suppressed : 0 Computer interface : RS-232C Deck unit : SBE11plus Firmware Version >= 5.0 Scans to average : 1 NMEA position data added : Yes NMEA depth data added : No NMEA time added : No NMEA device connected to : PC Surface PAR voltage added : Yes Scan time added : No 1) Frequency 0, Temperature Serial number : 4303 Calibrated on : 20-Jan-16 G : 4.38501054e-003 H : 6.47529902e-004 I : 2.19462935e-005 J : 1.64955605e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 2) Frequency 1, Conductivity Serial number : 3009 Calibrated on : 20-Jan-16 G : -1.04864981e+001 H : 1.48778269e+000 I : 3.67673536e-004 J : 5.06417242e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 3) Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC Serial number : 0749 Calibrated on : 08-Apr-14 C1 : -4.970438e+004 C2 : -4.005750e-001 C3 : 1.365700e-002 D1 : 3.669600e-002 D2 : 0.000000e+000 T1 : 3.027760e+001 T2 : -4.522040e-004 T3 : 4.002070e-006 T4 : 1.971140e-009 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Slope : 0.99992397 Offset : -1.86008 AD590M : 1.283700e-002 AD590B : -8.706643e+000 4) Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 Serial number : 4360 Calibrated on : 20-Jan-16 G : 4.36265052e-003 H : 6.49800036e-004 I : 2.30621342e-005 J : 1.84888934e-006 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 5) Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 Serial number : 2707 Calibrated on : 20-Jan-16 G : -1.07265688e+001 H : 1.55946953e+000 I : -1.31572164e-003 J : 1.86775491e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 6) A/D voltage 0, User Polynomial Serial number : 201 Calibrated on : Sensor name : UVP5 A0 : 2.90000000 A1 : 200.00000000 A2 : 0.00000000 A3 : 0.00000000 7) A/D voltage 1, Free 8) A/D voltage 2, PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor Serial number : 4550 Calibrated on : 05/14/14 M : 1.00000000 B : 0.00000000 Calibration constant : 2500000000.00000000 Multiplier : 1.00000000 Offset : -0.60264283 9) A/D voltage 3, Transmissometer, WET Labs C-Star Serial number : CST-1117 Calibrated on : 2015-May-20 M : 21.2354 B : -0.1557 Path length : 0.250 10) A/D voltage 4, Fluorometer, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL Serial number : FLTURT-1013 Calibrated on : 2014-April-25 Dark output : 0.0870 Scale factor : 6.00000000e+000 11) A/D voltage 5, Turbidity Meter, WET Labs, ECO-NTU Serial number : FLTURT-1013 Calibrated on : 2014 April 25 ScaleFactor : 0.080000 Dark output : 2.000000 12) A/D voltage 6, Altimeter Serial number : PSA916-40852 Calibrated on : Scale factor : 15.000 Offset : 0.000 13) A/D voltage 7, Oxygen, SBE 43 Serial number : 0113 Calibrated on : 06-Feb-16 Equation : Sea-Bird Soc : 4.18040e-001 Offset : -5.02300e-001 A : -3.66060e-003 B : 1.57520e-004 C : -2.52790e-006 E : 3.60000e-002 Tau20 : 9.50000e-001 D1 : 1.92634e-004 D2 : -4.64803e-002 H1 : -3.30000e-002 H2 : 5.00000e+003 H3 : 1.45000e+003 14) SPAR voltage, Unavailable 15) SPAR voltage, SPAR/Surface Irradiance Serial number : 16500 Calibrated on : March 28, 2013 Conversion factor : 1641.85000000 Ratio multiplier : 1.00000000 Scan length : 40 --------------------------------------------- Pump Control This setting is only applicable to a custom build of the SBE 9plus. Enable pump on / pump off commands: NO --------------------------------------------- Data Acquisition: Archive data: YES Delay archiving: NO Data archive: C:\data\ctd\at34998.hex Timeout (seconds) at startup: 60 Timeout (seconds) between scans: 20 --------------------------------------------- Instrument port configuration: Port = COM2 Baud rate = 19200 Parity = N Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 --------------------------------------------- Water Sampler Data: Water Sampler Type: SBE Carousel Number of bottles: 24 Port: COM1 Enable remote firing: NO Firing sequence: Sequential Tone for bottle fire confirmation uses PC sound card. --------------------------------------------- Header information: Header Choice = Prompt for Header Information --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP - port numbers: Data acquisition: Data port: 49163 Status port: 49165 Command port: 49164 Remote bottle firing: Command port: 49167 Status port: 49168 Remote data publishing: Converted data port: 49161 Raw data port: 49160 --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous data for calculations Depth, Average Sound Velocity, and TEOS-10 Latitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Longitude when NMEA is not available: 0.00000000 Average Sound Velocity Minimum pressure [db]: 20.00000000 Minimum salinity [psu]: 20.00000000 Pressure window size [db]: 20.00000000 Time window size [s]: 60.00000000 Descent and Acceleration Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Plume Anomaly Theta-B: 0.00000000 Salinity-B 0.00000000 Theta-Z / Salinity-Z 0.00000000 Reference pressure [db] 0.00000000 Oxygen Window size [s]: 2.00000000 Apply hysteresis correction: 1 Apply Tau correction: 1 Potential Temperature Anomaly A0: 0.00000000 A1: 0.00000000 A1 Multiplier: Salinity --------------------------------------------- Serial Data Output: Output data to serial port: NO --------------------------------------------- Mark Variables: No variables are selected. --------------------------------------------- Shared File Output: Output data to shared file: NO --------------------------------------------- TCP/IP Output: Raw data: Output raw data to socket: NO XML wrapper and settings: NO Seconds between raw data updates: 0.00000000 Converted data: Output converted data to socket: NO XML format: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 11plus Deck Unit Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO --------------------------------------------- SBE 14 Remote Display Enable SBE 14 Remote Display: NO --------------------------------------------- PC Alarms Enable minimum pressure alarm: NO Enable maximum pressure alarm: NO Enable altimeter alarm: NO Enable bottom contact alarm: NO Alarm uses PC sound card. --------------------------------------------- Options: Prompt to save program setup changes: YES Automatically save program setup changes on exit: NO Confirm instrument configuration change: YES Confirm display setup changes: YES Confirm output file overwrite: YES Check scan length: YES Compare serial numbers: YES Maximized plot may cover Seasave: NO