Tara Oceans Polar Circle (a.k.a. Tara Arctic) README for data available on the MISC Lab ftp site, Emmanuel Boss, emmanuel.boss@maine.edu Ali Chase, Apr 2015, alison.p.chase@maine.edu (ftp server name has changed as of April 2015 - all former “triton” now “misclab”) All raw data are available in folders organized by instrument at: ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraOceansPolarCircle_allData/ This includes: AC-S, TSG, GPS, IFCB, CTD casts, FlowCAM, Accrui, ALFA, Ultrapath, and macroscope data Further processed data are available as follows: AC-S (ap, cp, ag (calibrated); ag, cg (uncalibrated**): ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraArctic_ProcessedACS/ **NOTE: the *ag.txt and *cg.txt files for each year date that are found in each folder named by leg are uncalibrated. The spectra that are calibrated using Ultrapath CDOM values are found in the ag_spectra_calibrated/ folder. Chl/Gamma/POC products: ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraArctic_ProcessedACS/ChlPOCGamma/ bb** (from the in-line BB3; only the blue and green wavelengths are given in the text file due to an issue with the red channel): ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraArctic_processed_bb/ **NOTE: the filtered data have not been removed from the bb data (as of 19 Dec 2014); therefore it is just bb (not bbp) with the calibration applied, the signal of seawater removed, and wall effects accounted for. See Dall’Olmo et al., 2009 for more details. C-OPS: ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraArctic_processed_C-OPS/ These are multispectral radiometry data that have been processed by Guislain Becu (Guislain.Becu@takuvik.ulaval.ca) and Marcel Babin (marcel.babin@takuvik.ulaval.ca) Ultrapath: ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraArctic_processed_Ultrapath/ These are Ultrapath CDOM spectra processed by Atsushi Matsuoka (Atsushi.Matsuoka@takuvik.ulaval.ca) HPLC: ftp://misclab.umeoce.maine.edu/users/boss/Tara/TaraArctic/TaraArctic_HPLC/ These are HPLC data processed at LOV; contact: Herve Claustre (claustre@obs-vlfr.fr), Josephine Ras (jras@obs-vlfr.fr), Mustapha Ouhssain (mustapha.ouhssain@obs-vlfr.fr)