Underway logbook from Punta Arenas, Chile to Cape Town, South Africa March - April 2022 Ali Chase, University of Washington, alisonpchase@gmail.com 5 March (Planned departure day but still at port for COVID issue.) - replaced LISST filter with a new filter - CTD cable splice redone and re-wound onto termination. still needs to be set with weights. - IFCB tests to try to remove a possible stuck particle or small bubble in flow cell. roi plot looks good with FSW, so leaving as it for now. will check when starting with samples. 6 March 1830 UTC - microtops. thin uniform clouds. 10 scans, but some repeated and overwritten the same scan number, so only five recorded. IFCB still running loop of FSW. 1903 UTC - starting inlinino for ship and aux sensors: SC701, GP32, BATOS, Girouette, PAR 7 March 1529 UTC - sunny, microtops. started at scan 37 and did ten to end at 46. 1643 UTC - pump 2 to ULAB started just for IFCB to look at data (no data allowed to be saved in Argentinian waters) 1652 UTC - IFCB started 20:03 UTC - UDW computer was off again, everything now restarted. also required unplugging and replugging the USB for the SUVF and the FlowControl, otherwise no com port 7 for SUVF, and FlowControl would not open. 8 March 0913 UTC - IFCB acquisition stopped, pump 2 stopped. flushed with 5 syringe of FSW and then circulating FSW. 9 March Cloudy, 30 kt winds. at anchor next to Falkland Islands. tested termination with weights, cable not slipping. 11 March 1657 UTC - started pump 1 and started optics as exiting Argentina EEZ. rough seas, possibility for bubbles to enter at intake. not running LISST or IFCB. 12 March 12:48 UTC - stopped underway optics and TSG as we enter South Georgia EEZ. water still flowing for now, but no data being collected. 14 March 14:34 UTC - pump #1 stopped and red keys closed before arriving to the coastal area of South Georgia. Cloudy conditions for last several days; no microtops 19 March Microtops after lunch, scans 47-56. Rosette test/respooling and cable is working. Cosette not working; no communication between water sampler carousel and deck box. Still in South Georgia EEZ, no data saved today and underway still off (except for aerosols). 20:30 UTC - starting GPS, winds, etc with inlinino. 20 March 09:12 UTC - out of South Georgia EEZ, all inline optics and TSG started 09:51 UTC - LISST running 10:05 UTC - IFCB running filtered flow is just under 5 Lpm and pressure gauge is just over 1 during filtered (and about 0.8 during total). 21 March 11:42 UTC - forepeak instruments and LISST stopped, both pumps turned off for crew work on water intake 12:19 UTC - both pumps restarted, forepeak instruments and LISST recorded data again 22 March - on station 23 March 18:26 UTC - UDW computer was off (maybe for 20 min), everything now running again. LISST screen has been frozen; instrument restart and reset and now running again. 24 March - on station 14:34 UTC - microtops, sunny 23:00 UTC - all underway restarted after the computer stopped again and would not start. bad power cord identified as the problem and replaced. 25 March - on station 00:39 UTC - repeated error message on LISST; filter changed 08:39 UTC - flow control software was not responding; unplugged and replugged usb in back of udw computer and restarted. 14:45 UTC - microtops, sunny 27 March 08:58 UTC - LISST screen frozen, restarted 22:45 UTC - pump 1 stopped to clean forepeak instruments and change filter 28 March 00:34 UTC - pump 1 and forepeak instruments restarted 10:10 UTC - all underway stopped to clean filters under ulab 10:43 LISST restarted 11:00 forepeak instruments restarted 11:29 LISST stopped to clean chamber 11:39 LISST restarted 30 March 14:00 UTC - LISST and IFCB restarted after pump 2 turned off to retrieve a cap that fell in the orange funnel 31 March 14:49 UTC - microtops, mostly sunny with some thin overcast at times 21:53 UTC - received the LISST message that filter may need to be replaced two times, changed to a new one and measurements restarted 1 April 10:30 UTC - filtered measurements recording total water. stopping pump 1 to check filter housing. 2 April 20:02 UTC - LISST screen frozen; shut down and reset before restarting 20:08 UTC - orange funnel looked like it was going to overflow so pump 2 was stopped for less than one minute and then restarted. 3 April LISST had an error message from the night that water pressure was too low and sampling was terminated. restarted. Very rough weather today; potential for bubbles introduced to underway 4 April rough seas 5 April 0600 UTC - IFCB discovered to have software closed and no data for last three hours. restarted. 14:37 UTC - LISST restarted after screen frozen again 7 April 10:50 UTC - LISST screen frozen; restarted 9 April 08:26 UTC - LISST screen frozen; restarted 11:56 UTC - sunny, microtops 11 April 15:15 UTC - stopping both pumps to clean all instruments and filter change 16:50 UTC - IFCB restarted 19:30 UTC - acs and hbb restarted. suvf not started for now as is leaking badly. acs data looks bubbly. 12 April SUVF leak solved and restarted 14 April 21:52 UTC - underway both pumps stopped ahead of reaching anchorage close to South African coast 16 April 02:00 UTC - all underway restarted about an hour after leave anchorage 17 April 23:46 UTC - stopping all underway and both pumps ahead of reaching anchorage close to coast again- LISST screen was frozen. 18 April 20:48 UTC - both pumps and all instruments restarted after leaving anchorage. Total flow to forepeak is low at around 2.5 Lpm. Filters under ulab floor were cleaned but maybe jellies in big filter at ship intake? were many at station a few days ago. 19 April 19:11 UTC - pump 2, LISST and IFCB restarted after solving a problem with the pump for the outtake/exhaust of the ship being clogged (pipette tip and plastic pieces). 21 April 09:10 UTC LISST stopped 11:50 UTC forepeak optics and pump 1 stopped 11:57 UTC pump 2 and IFCB stopped