The folder 'tromso_backup_all_data_061713' is a copy of the on-board back-up drive managed by Marc done on June 17th, 2013. The back-up took ~12 hours so just a note to leave enough time before leaving the boat to copy all data. The size of all data is over 400GB and the majority of this is raw flowcam data. There is a pdf with all pages of the dry lab notebook scanned, 'Drylab_Notebook_Lorient_Tromso' The other folders have a few items such as print screens or work done before leaving France. There may be some overlap with the total back-up but I will leave them just to be safe. Everyone's pictures are on the drive ('TaraOceanPolarCirclePics') until I get my computer back from being repaired and can transfer them to it.