compile_noref.m compile_noref.m textreads compile_noref.txt (data from Pete Strutton). compile_noref.txt is a high resolution compilation of all sensors he has access to. backscatter data have not been corrected using the VSF ref signal. outputs array allDataCompileNoref containing the following variables: date_[sdn] date_[excel] year_day lon lat flr_2m chl_2m_[mg/m3] * flr_10m chl_10m_[mg/m3] * flr_15m chl_15m_[mg/m3] * b100_2m_[1/] b125_2m_[1/] b150_2m_[1/] b_back_2m * b100_10m_[1/] b125_10m_[1/] b150_10m_[1/] b_back_10m * b100_15m_[1/] b125_15m_[1/] b150_15m_[1/] b_back_15m * par_1m_[umol/m2.s] unkown_1m (is this really flr_1m?) par_5m_[umol/m2.s] flr_5m par_10m_[umol/m2.s] c_10m_[1/m] * par_20m_[umol/m2.s] flr_20m_[1/m] par_35m_[umol/m2.s] c_35m_[1/m] * poc_bb_2m_[umol/l] poc_bb_10m_[umol/l] poc_beamc_10m_[umol/l] poc_bb_15m_[umol/l] poc_beamc_35m_[umol/l] saves compile-noref.mat CAN PLOT: *backscattering *chlorophyll