WOD01 OSD Data Downloaded OSD data from WOD01 for WMO squares 7404, 7405, 7504, and 7505 using Ocean Data View software (note that we need to reference use of this software in any publications). Used notepad to combine all into one txt file called all-chl-osd.txt. Downloaded data were filtered to include only those stations for which chl was available (file was too big otherwise). Variables in this file are: cruise station type mm/dd/yy hh:mm lon lat botdepth depth QF temp QF salinity QF oxygen QF chl QF biomass QF Ran osd.m to read all-chl-osd.txt and save all-chl-osd.mat. Do not need to use osd.m again for this dataset as long as this mat file is not deleted. Ran plot-osd.m to plot data: 1. by histogram and conc vs. depth graphs to confirm data make sense, and 2. to call extract_bin for chl (can do for other variables but need to edit for these). Extract_bin finds all chl data for a given month and depth and calculates median. Outputs array CHL (double click on CHL from the workspace window to see). CHL contains yy/mm records and median chl for given depths (bindepths, provided to extract_bin from plot_osd.m). Bindepths can be adjusted. Data returned from extract_bin can then be used by plot_osd.m to plot median chl for a given month/year (including standard deviation) or to plot median chl for several months on one figure (to see, for example, all chl analyzed in Mays). Need to add a calculation for standard deviation for all months graphed (so far can only do for one record), probably by making a new array. Still to do: Check that extract_bin does what we think it does (plot original data in OCD?). Add our data to these plots.