MatLab Files for Processing Float 0005 Data and Calibrating with Satellite Data For more information, see gen_apex_data.m (APEX folder) - what it does: consolidates the data contained in the individual edf (profile) files received from the float into one mat file - requires: rd_apex.m and the edf data files (stored in the APEX/data folder) - saves: apex_data.mat rd_apex.m (APEX folder) - what it does: function called by gen_apex_data.m to read edf files - saves: NA gen_msg_data.m (ARGOS folder) - what it does: consolidates the data contained in the individual msg (surface) files received from the float into one mat file - requires: rd_msg.m and the msg data files (stored in the ARGOS/data folder) - saves: apex_msg.mat rd_msg.m (ARGOS folder) - what it does: function called by gen_msg_data.m to read msg files - saves: NA plot_apex_position.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots float trajectory in color or grayscale - requires: apex_data.mat, 31712.dat (coastline data, small map), 1226.dat (coastline data, larger map) - saves: NA gen_modis_data (MODIS folder) - what it does: gets MODIS data - requires: chlor_a_modis_2004_2007_complete.mat - saves: modis_chl.mat calChlModis (ARGOS folder) - what it does: regresses data and calculates slope for chl calibration value - requires: apex_data.mat, modis_chl.mat - saves: NA gen_modis_spectra (MODIS folder) - what it does: generates MODIS Lnw spectra for 7.5km around the float's position - requires: nLw_412_2004_2007_complete.mat, nLw_443_2004_2007_complete.mat, nLw_488_2004_2007_complete.mat, nLw_531_2004_2007_complete.mat, nLw_551_2004_2007_complete.mat, nLw_667_2004_2007_complete.mat - saves: MODIS_spectra_7_5km calBbModis.m (APEX folder) - what it does: regresses data and calculates slope for bb calibration value - requires: apex_data.mat (profile data), MODIS_spectra_7_5km.mat (satellite data), IOP_of_sw.m, GSM01_invert.m, GSM01_cost.m - saves: NA applyCalProfile.m (APEX folder) - what it does: applies calibrations to float edf (profile) data - requires: apex_data.mat, sw_dpth.m - saves: float0005.mat applyCalSurface.m (ARGOS folder) - what it does: applies calibrations to float msg (surface) data - requires: apex_msg.mat - saves: float0005surface.mat plot_apex_1000_E.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots parameter vs. date by distinct depths and parameter vs. date at 900m - requires: float0005.mat (profile data), MLD.txt (mixed layer depth) - saves: NA plot_apex_1000m_EOS.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots six panel figure for EOS article of (1) float and satellite chl and bb vs time, (2) float chl and bb vs time and depth, and (3) float chl and bb vs time at 900m - requires: float0005.mat (profile data), MLD.txt (mixed layer depth), float0005Surface.mat (surface data), modis_chl.mat (satellite chl, stored in MODIS folder), and apexModis_bb .mat (satellite bb, stored in APEX folder) - saves: NA plot_apex_stability.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots parameter vs. date at > 975m - requires: float0005.mat (profile data) - saves: NA bb_vs_chl.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots float chl vs. bbp and compares with published data - requires: float0005.mat (profile data) - saves: NA surfaceBb_E.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots lag correlation coefficient vs. time lag (temp, sal, density, chl, and bbp) - requires: float0005.mat (profile data) - saves: bb_surf binDepth.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots median of values within specified depth intervals vs time - requires: float0005.mat (profile data) - saves: NA integralFloat0005.m (APEX folder) - what it does: calculates the integral of chl and bb for each profile and plots position of float relative to eddy - requires: float0005.mat (profile data). float_position.mat, altimeter_data.mat, integral.m, mmintgrl.m - saves: NA floatAverages.m (ARGOS folder) - what it does: calculates average of monthly chl readings and then compares float and satellite data to check for biases due to the larger volume of float data - requires: float0005Surface.mat, modis_chl.mat (satellite chl stored in MODIS folder) - saves: cloudChl generateSeabass.m (APEX folder) - what it does: gets float data and prints to a txt file in SeaBASS-required format - requires: float0005.mat (profile data) - saves: float0005edf.txt plot_apexModis.m (APEX folder) - what it does: plots modis and float bb data (time and correlations) - requires: float0005.mat (profile data), MODIS_spectra_7_5km.mat - saves: apexModis_bb.mat plot_msgModis.m (ARGOS folder) - what it does: plots float and modis data (chl, bbp) vs time, plots correlation of float and modis data (chl, bbp) - requires: float0005Surface.mat (surface data), modis_chl.mat (satellite chl stored in MODIS folder), and apexModis_bb.mat (stored in APEX folder) - saves: NA