Each link will direct you to a space delimited ascii file containing wavelength numbers in the first row and percent reflectance or fluorescence data in the following rows. Reflectance data are divided into three main categories: Ambient, Illuminated, and DiveSpec. Ambient and Illuminated are in situ reflectance measurements using a Satlantic HyperOCR radiometer. DiveSpec files contain reflectance measurements that were taken using the DiveSpec, a self-contained submersible radiometer and fluorometer. DiveSpec data were collected both in the lab and in situ.
All reflectance data have been referenced to a 99% reflectance standard and therefore all reflectance data are in percent reflectance. Fluorescence data are in absolute units and the spike seen from about 400-500nm is blue light produced by the DiveSpec. Ambient and Illuminated files contain multiple reflectance spectra, DiveSpec data contain one.
Didemnum sp. |
Placopecten magellanicus (Dorsal) |
Photo: Suzanne Arnold |
Asterias vulgaris (Orange, Dorsal) |
Cucumaria frondosa (Body) |
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Dorsal) |
Ascophyllum sp. |
Various Porifera |
Laminaria sp. |
Metridium senile (Retracted) |
Various Algae |
Sand/Shell Hash |
Mud/Shells |
Photo: Michael Sauer |
Photo: Michael Sauer |
Created by Thomas Leeuw, 2010