Sea-Bird and WET Labs
Student Equipment Loan Program
September 2010

Print version
Poster with general
This document describes a Student Equipment Loan
Program that is offered jointly by Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. and WET Labs,
Inc. The purpose of this program is to grant a loan of equipment free of charge
to qualified graduate students studying in the United States for original
research projects either suggested by the student investigator or in response to
a periodic ‘Request For Proposal’ (RFP) on a particular subject posted by
Sea-Bird and WET Labs.
General Guidelines
- This program is limited to graduate students
studying at a university in the United States. Grants will be made for the
study of environmental variables in oceans, estuaries, rivers, lakes, and
laboratory settings. Proposals may request equipment for study periods up to
one year in length. It is expected that a minimum of four awards will be
made in each calendar year.
- Proposals can be submitted in two ways:
- By 31 December of each year in response
to the annual grant program for a field of study chosen by the
student. Awards of grants under the annual grant program will be made by
15 February.
- In response to RFP issued by the
manufacturers for a specific field of study. A RFP will contain details
of the research being requested and proposal submission and award
- Proposals will be judged on:
- Scientific Merit,
- Innovative Spirit,
- Demonstrated need for the
equipment, and
- Ability to obtain quantifiable
results within a defined deployment or study period.
- Proposals should be contained in a
single PDF file no more than 8 pages in length. The proposal could contain
the student’s CV and a detailed description of the intended research plan
- Scientific hypothesis,
- Analysis methods,
- Detailed description of the
Sea-Bird and/or WET Labs equipment needed,
- Deployment or study start date,
duration, and location,
- Detailed plan for recovery and
safekeeping of the equipment,
- Estimated date that the
equipment will be returned to the manufacturers. and
- Additional support or training
required from the manufacturer(s).
The PDF file should be named using the
student’s and university’s name using the format
FirstLastname_Universityname.pdf. Proposals or questions concerning this
program should be e-mailed to and
- While no hard limits are imposed,
proposals should be for modest amounts of equipment. Sea-Bird and WET Labs
reserve the right to limit the type and amount of equipment granted to any
proposal. A single proposal can request equipment from both or either of the
- Student investigators accepting a grant are
expected to provide WET Labs and Sea-Bird with a final report of their
project within three months after the field or lab studies are completed.
- At the conclusion of the project, each
proposal is eligible for a grant of $1,000 for travel by the student to a
national conference to present the results of their investigations. The
$1,000 grant will be provided upon proof of an accepted abstract at an
approved conference. In exchange for the travel grant, the student presenter
is expected to acknowledge Sea-Bird and WET Labs in their presentation. In
addition, upon request the student will provide their data to the
manufacturers for use in product development and sales/marketing efforts.
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