Modular Sensors & Components
C, T, P, DO, pH, Pumps, &
Display/Interface Boxes

Modular sensors and components do not have internal power
or internal memory, except as noted.
- SBE 37-SI MicroCAT C-T
(P optional) Sensor (Serial
Brochure/specifications -
Manual - RS-232 (Current or
All), RS-485 (Current or
Reference Sheet -
RS-232, RS-485
Configuration options & accessories
High-accuracy, conductivity and temperature (pressure
optional) sensor with memory, but no batteries. It is easily integrated with current meters,
moored instruments, remotely operated vehicles, AUVs, or Mini-subs.
Click here for a comparison of features across the MicroCAT product line.
* Note: 37-SI with firmware version < 3.0 has no memory.
- SBE 37-SIP MicroCAT C-T (P optional) Sensor (Serial Interface
& integral Pump)
Brochure/specifications -
Manual - RS-232 (Current or
All), RS-485 (Current or
Reference Sheet -
Configuration options & accessories
Combines most of the features of the SBE 37-SI * with an integral, internal pump.
The pump provides improved conductivity response and anti-foul protection.
Click here for a comparison of features across the MicroCAT product line.
* Note: 37-SIP with firmware version < 3.0 has no memory.
- SBE 37-SIP-IDO MicroCAT C-T-DO (P optional) Sensor (Serial Interface
& integral Pump)
Brochure/specifications -
or pdf
Manual - RS-232 (Current),
RS-485 not available yet
Reference Sheet -
RS-232, RS-485 (not available yet)
Configuration options & accessories
Combines the features of the SBE 37-SIP with an Integrated Dissolved Oxygen
sensor (IDO).
The pump provides improved conductivity and oxygen response and anti-foul protection.
Click here for a comparison of features across the MicroCAT product line.
- SBE 49 FastCAT CTD Sensor
Brochure/specifications -
or pdf
Manual - Current or
Reference Sheet
Configuration options & accessories
CTD designed for use as a modular component in towed vehicles, ROVs, AUVs, or
other autonomous platforms.
- SBE 52-MP Moored Profiler CTD & Optional DO Sensor
Brochure/specifications - html
Manual - Current or
Configuration options & accessories
CTD and optional dissolved oxygen sensor designed for moored profiling
applications on device that is winched up and down from a buoy or
bottom-mounted platform.
- Argo CTD -- SBE 41/41CP CTD Module for
Autonomous Profiling Floats (OEM instrument)
Brochure/specifications -
Contact Sea-Bird for configuration
Argo floats are neutrally buoyant at depth, where they are carried by currents
until periodically increasing their displacement and slowing rising to the
surface. The SBE 41/41CP CTD Module
obtains the latest CTD profile each time the Argo float surfaces. At the
surface, the float transmits in-situ measurements and drift track data to the
ARGOS satellite system.
- Glider Payload CTD (GPCTD) (OEM
GPCTD brochure/specifications -
html or
Current GPCTD manual
Configuration options & accessories
Slocum brochure/specifications -
html or
pdf Contact Sea-Bird for
configuration details
The generic Glider Payload CTD measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure, and
optionally, dissolved oxygen (with the modular SBE 43F DO sensor). It is a
modular, low-power profiling instrument for autonomous gliders with the high
accuracy necessary for research, inter-comparison with moored observatory
sensors, updating circulation models, and leveraging data collection
opportunities from operational vehicle missions. The pressure-proof module
allows glider users to exchange CTDs (and DO sensors) in the field without
opening the glider pressure hull.
A defining mechanical design
criteria of the Slocum Glider Payload CTD was to provide a retrofit/replacement
for CTDs on the global fleet of existing Slocum gliders. Both designs share many
features, but there are also differences in packaging, sampling abilities and
power consumption, and in their installation as described in their individual
data sheets.
- SBE 4 Conductivity Sensor
Brochure/specifications -
Configuration options & accessories -
4C or
Frequency output conductivity sensor:
- 4C standard with SBE
9plus &
25 CTDs.
- 4M intended for moored deployments (used optionally with SBE 26,
26plus, &
- SBE 7
Microstructure Conductivity Sensor
Brochure/specifications -
or pdf
Configuration options & accessories
High speed, high resolution conductivity sensor.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
43 Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Sensor Brochure/specifications -
or pdf
Configuration options & accessories -
43 or
Also see:
Application Note 64: SBE 43
Dissolved Oxygen Sensor - Background Information, Deployment
Recommendations, and Cleaning and Storage,
Application Note 64-1:
Plumbing Installation -- SBE 43 & Pump on a CTD,
Application Note 64-2: SBE 43
Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
Calibration and Data Corrections using Winkler Titrations,
Application Note 64-3: SBE
43 D.O. Sensor -- Hysteresis Corrections
- SBE 13 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Sensor
-- Brochure/specifications -
Not in production since 2001,
replaced by SBE 43.
- SBE 23 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Sensor -- Brochure/specifications -
Not in production since 2001, replaced by SBE 43.
- SBE 18 pH Sensor
Brochure/specifications -
or pdf
Configuration options & accessories
Also see Application Note 18-1:
SBE 18, 27, & 30 & AMT pH Sensor Calibration,
18-2: SBE 18, 22, 27, and 30 pH
Sensor Storage, Maintenance, & Calibration,
18-3: SBE 18 pH Sensor Hook-Up
Instructions, 18-4: SBE 18 pH
Sensor Calibration Equation Error, 76: pH
or pH/ORP Sensors & Moored Applications.
- SBE 27 pH/ORP Sensor
Brochure/specifications -
or pdf
Configuration options & accessories
Also see Application Note
18-1: SBE 18, 27, & 30 & AMT pH
Sensor Calibration, 18-2: SBE
18, 22, 27, and 30 pH Sensor Storage, Maintenance, & Calibration,
19: SBE 27 or 30 ORP Sensor,
76: pH
or pH/ORP Sensors & Moored Applications.
Display & Interface Boxes
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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