Deck Unit / Interface Box Update for
Newer NMEA Devices
Revised March 2009

Link to all Field Service Bulletins
Equipment Affected
SBE 11plus
CTD Deck Unit, digital firmware < 5.2
SBE 33
Carousel Deck Unit, NMEA firmware < 2.4
SBE 36
CTD Deck Unit with NMEA firmware < 2.4
SEACAT/SEALOGGER RS-232 & Navigation Interface Box (AC-powered), firmware <
SEACAT/SEALOGGER RS-232 & Navigation Interface Box (DC-powered), firmware <
SEACAT/SEALOGGER RS-232 & Navigation Interface Box (AC-powered), firmware <
SEACAT/SEALOGGER RS-232 & Navigation Interface Box (DC-powered), firmware <
Note: PN 90402 SBE 45 Power, Navigation, & Remote Temperature
Interface Box is not affected by this problem.
Description of Problem
Some newer NMEA navigation devices
output latitude and longitude minutes to 7 or more digits to the right of the
decimal place (i.e., xxx.xxxxxxx). The Sea-Bird Deck Units and Interface
Boxes listed above do not correctly decode latitude and longitude data with more
than 6 digits to the right of the decimal place, resulting in NMEA data with
incorrect and unpredictable fractional minutes for latitude and longitude. All
other data (NMEA time, CTD and auxiliary sensor data) is unaffected.
Solution and Corrective Action by Sea-Bird
Update Firmware to provide a
Permanent Solution
Sea-Bird has updated the firmware for each of these Deck
Units and Interface Boxes to accommodate additional digits to the right of the
decimal place for NMEA latitude and longitude minutes. The updated firmware
truncates any fractional minutes beyond 6 digits to the right of the decimal
- All Deck Units / Interface Boxes listed above
except PN 90488 and PN 90545 SEACAT/SEALOGGER RS-232 & Navigation
Interface Boxes – The firmware is on an EPROM, which is easily replaced in
the field. Upon request, Sea-Bird will mail you an EPROM with the updated
firmware (at no charge), along with instructions for installing the EPROM.
- PN 90545 and PN 90488 SEACAT/SEALOGGER RS-232 &
Navigation Interface Boxes – These Interface Boxes do not have an EPROM. To
implement the update, they must be returned to Sea-Bird. Sea-Bird will
update the Interface Box to the current firmware version at no charge.
Please contact Sea-Bird to schedule
the return of your Interface Box.
Temporary Solutions
One of the following techniques may
allow you to deploy the Deck Unit or Interface Box before obtaining updated
- If the number of digits output by your NMEA device is
user-programmable, set the NMEA device to output no more than 6 digits to
the right of the decimal place for latitude and longitude minutes.
- If possible, connect your NMEA device directly to the
computer (instead of to the Deck Unit / Interface Box). Modify the
instrument configuration (.con) file in
Seasave V7 to indicate that NMEA data is being appended in the computer
instead of in the Deck Unit. NMEA data appended in this manner does not have
a limitation on number of digits to the right of the decimal place.
1. Use Seasave V7 version 7.18 and later if connecting the NMEA device
directly to the computer.
2. Direct connection of the NMEA device to the computer is not supported by
Seasave V7 for older instruments ‑ SBE 16 (not plus) or 19 (not

Last modified:
26 Apr 2010
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