See the SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor or SBE 63 Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor in place of the SBE 23Y.
The SBE 23Y
(Yellow Springs Instruments type) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensor uses a
polarographic type element with replaceable membranes (YSI 5739) to provide
in-situ measurements at depths up to 2000 meters (6560 ft). The 5739 probe is
The SBE 23Y is easy to install, service, and calibrate since the sensor element and interface electronics are a modular, self-contained package. It is primarily intended as a bolt-on auxiliary sensor for Sea-Bird's SBE 19 and 19plus Seacat Profiler, SBE 25 Sealogger CTD, and SBE 16 and 16plus Seacat C-T Recorder, but it is also well suited to many custom instrumentation applications. Power/signal interface cables and mounting hardware are available separately.
The standard configuration, for applications not requiring a pump, includes a screw-on sensor guard to protect the delicate membrane. The optional plenum improves data quality when the SBE 23Y is used with a Sealogger CTD or pump-equipped SeaCAT. Pumping water over the sensor membrane reduces errors caused by oxygen depletion during periods of slow or intermittent flushing (i.e. stopping for bottle samples). The pump/plenum configuration also reduces exposure to biofouling. Since the SBE 23Y is plumbed in-line between the pump and the CTD's conductivity cell, the oxygen measurement is coordinated with the CTD measurement.. The plenum is also useful when calibrating the DO sensor.
The SBE 23Y interface electronics outputs voltage proportional to the DO sensor's membrane temperature (oxygen temperature), which is used for internal temperature compensation and membrane current (oxygen current). The computation of dissolved oxygen in engineering units is typically done with Sea-Bird's Seasoft© software, which uses the equation described by Owens and Millard (1985, Journal of Physical Oceanography, v15 [5]) for computing dissolved oxygen.
Sea-Bird calibrates the DO sensor with air-saturated water and a solution of sodium sulfite. These calibration results are tabulated on a certificate furnished with each sensor.
Dissolved Oxygen
Measurement Range: 0 - 15 ml/l
Accuracy¹: 0.1 ml/l
Resolution: 0.01 ml/l
Time Response²:
¹Stated accuracy is achievable with frequent field calibrations.
²Time to reach 63% of final value following a step change in oxygen concentration
Power Required: 6 - 24 VDC, 4mA
Outputs: 0 to +5 V
Anodized Aluminum (6061-T6 or 7075-T6)
Plastic (acrylic)
Operating Depth: 2000 meters (6,500 ft)
Sales Information -- options, accessories, cables, mount kits, spares, etc.
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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