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SBE 3 Frequency Shift with SBE 25 CTD and Cold Temperature Applications
June 20

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Equipment Affected

This field service bulletin applies to SBE 3s that meet all of the following criteria:

Note: The Field Service Bulletin does not apply to an SBE 3 on an SBE 9plus CTD; the 9plus provides a much higher voltage to the SBE 3, eliminating any possibility of the frequency shift described below.


Description of Problem

For the specified SBE 3s, customers may see a frequency shift in the SBE 3 output, resulting in decreasing the period of the output frequency by approximately 6.4 µS (corresponding to approximately ±0.1 °C) when at 2 °C or below and at lower than typical supply voltage. The frequency shift appears as a step change in the data, and remains as an offset in the data until the temperature rises above approximately 2 °C or the supply voltage is increased.

We are unaware of any customers with bad data as a result of this problem.



If your data demonstrates the shift described above, contact Sea-Bird and send us the data for evaluation. If we agree that the temperature data exhibits the frequency shift problem, we will replace the SBE 3.

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