Inductive Modem Module (IMM) Firmware

Technical Reference Manual -
Current (older)
This page lists the firmware revisions for the IMM. To
upgrade to newer firmware, go to our ftp site (
and download IMM upgrade IMM v1P14.txt.
Version 1.14
Removed typo
which caused GetHD response to return an invalid XML response in version
extraneous line terminations following the <Executed/> tag.
Empty 'msg='
attributes now suppressed in Error tags.
Sample data
formatting re-worked for consistent string formatting.
SampleGetData, SampleErase & SampleEraseMultiple now accept arguments in the
following (case independent) formats: 0x0000000A, A, 0xA.
- Removed the possibility of a false failed
response to an initial remote command after line capture (i.e., receive an
'<Error type='FAILED' msg='No reply from remote device'/>' response to a
successful !01 cmd).
Version 1.13
- PCBType re-initialized to 3 instead of 0 so
IMM can communicate after a reset hard data event. Prevents bricking
of 10345A and 10345B revision of PCB.
- GetHD now returns date and time to track
multiple builds in one day.
- XML error messages label now all uppercase
<ERROR type= . . .>.
- Typo fixed 'mssg=' changed to msg='.
- Removed extra r/n from <HardwareData . . .>
Version 1.12
- Disabled variable gain to make IMM more
Version 1.11
- Fixed spurious characters in Host Service
Version 1.10
- Fixed error in ConfigType=1 (sent wrong
character back).
Version 1.09
- Fixed error in SampleGetData - caused
some sample retrieval errors.
- Added additional data structure protection
to IM receive code (should have no visible effect)
Version 1.08
- Removed testHF code - this test code was not
supposed to be released
- Added <PowerOn/> and <PowerOff/> tags. <PowerOn/>
is sent when IMM enters Host Service Mode, <PowerOff/> is sent when IMM exits
Host Service Mode.
- Added SVS monitoring (IMM resets immediately
if internal supply voltage falls below 2.5V).
Version 1.07
- Fixed sample storage error in SampleAddLine,
AppendLine, and GData; Sample data was not added correctly.
Version 1.06
- Fixed TONE SENT in debuglevel > 3 sendwakeuptone (was not in an XML comment).
- Added MLS shortcut for MeasureLineSignal
- IMM incorrectly waited for reply to #g00 (was
OK for #G00).
- Added 0.3 second maximum wait for first @ sign of
standard reply -- this prevents full TModem2 delay on a quiet line when remote
device is not responding.
- Updated firmware loader.
- Discovery timeout period changed from 5
seconds to 8 seconds.
- Commands less than 2 characters now generate
- Empty command now generates executed (no
error) and clears Host Service mode timer.
Version 1.05
- Added checksums and backup storage of
Configuration Data and Hardware data to prevent loss of device configuration
if power removed during EEPROM write.
- Corrected error in SampleAdd and SampleAppend
commands that caused early termination of data.
- Corrected timing error in Host Service mode
when IM not transmitting, Error resulted in longer fixed delays and longer
timeout periods.
- Removed support for 38400 baud.
- Added *NOTIMEOUT: command for lab calibration
- Added IMMonitor command to log all IM traffic
(including noise if no device is transmitting).
- Added ability to upgrade firmware through
RS232 port.
- Added shortcuts for common commands:
- FCL = ForceCaptureLine
- TCC = TestCableCoupler
- T20CC = Test20TurnCoupler
- REL = ReleaseLine
- SWT = SendWakeupTone
Version 1.04
- Added filter to transmit voltage measurement.
- Corrected invalid DPSK transmit state after
TestCableCoupler command. Invalid state persisted in Host Service mode
only until transmitter was disabled, a ! or # command was transmitted or line was released.
Invalid state usually resulted in inappropriate
error: FAILED "Low Transmit Voltage - low battery or bad coupler".
Version 1.03
- All changes of IMFLAG conditional on
EnableAutoIMFlag setting.
- Added error for invalid argument on SetIMFlag=.
- Warning added to HostFileErase command.
- Host Service 2 min timeout changed to :
<TIMEOUT msg='HostService 2 min timeout'/>.
- Event ERROR_IM_CMD_MODE removed.
- Event ERROR_IMM_BUSY added when IMM sends
a <busy/> signal.
- CRLF from host acts as recognized command,
returning <Executed/> and resetting host timeout instead of just giving a new
- <Executing/> tags removed from Config Type 1.
- Corrected parsing of !00StayOn command.
- Config Type 1 host serial decoding matched to
- Time commands removed (hhmmss, mmddyy, ddmmyy).
- Added !Gx:Mark commands=, sending and
- Added executing tags to CaptureLine reply.
- TestCableCoupler commands and GetSD no longer
cause tx power level to temporarily switch low.
- Interface mode 7 now has
- PCBtype > 3 enables reset pin. Pin must be held
low for 1 second on startup.
Version 1.02
- Modified timing of IM replies in Config
Type 1 ‘bii’ binary commands. This should not cause any performance change.
- Removed inappropriate TIMEOUT error returned
after Config Type 1 ‘bii’ binary commands with normal inter-character
delay termination.
- TModem3 maximum value changed to 600 seconds.
- Added TModem4 setting for Config Type 1 use.
- Config Type 1 bii command inter-character
delay timeout now activates after reception of two characters instead of one.
- Fixed inappropriate logging of Error37 in Config Type 1.
- Config Type 1 blocked commands now return NOT
ALLOWED error.
- Config Type 1 resets timeout timer on CR or
LF, instead of just LF.
Version 1.01
- Serial Type not preserved when switching from
Config Type 1 to Type 2.
- Start of reply marker detection disabled for
Config Type 1 ‘B’ commands for binary response. This legacy command was
used with UIM, UIM does not send start of reply code with ‘B’
Documentation -- manual, photos, technical papers,
application notes
Links to Other Instruments of Interest
![[HRule Image]](../../images/div.gif)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Sea-Bird Home Phone: (+1) 425-643-9866