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Reference Sheet
Configuration options & accessories
The SBE 25 SEALOGGER CTD is the ideal research-quality CTD profiling system for coastal, estuarine, and budget-minded deep-water work. The SBE 25 is battery powered and is typically used to record data in memory, eliminating the need for a large vessel, electrical sea cable, and on-board computer. All SBE 25s can also operate in real-time, transmitting data via an opto-isolated RS-232 serial port.
Temperature and conductivity are measured by our modular SBE 3F Temperature sensor and SBE 4 Conductivity sensor (same as those used on our premium SBE 9plus CTD). The SBE 25 also includes the SBE 5P (plastic) or 5T (titanium) Submersible Pump and TC Duct. The pump-controlled, TC-ducted flow configuration significantly reduces salinity spiking caused by ship heave, and in calm waters allows slower descent rates for improved resolution of water column features. Pressure is measured by the modular SBE 29 Temperature Compensated Strain-Gauge Pressure sensor (available in eight depth ranges to suit the operating depth requirement).
The SBE 25's modular design makes it easy for users to add more sensors without sending it back to the factory. All SBE 25s include interface electronics for optional dissolved oxygen (SBE 43), pH (SBE 18 or SBE 27), fluorescence, transmissivity, PAR, and optical backscatter sensors.
The SBE 25's scan rate of 8 Hz provides good fine-scale measurement performance and recording endurance of up to 35 hours with standard 8 MB memory. To optimize the use of memory space, the SBE 25 is software configurable for any combination of sensors used. Recording endurance can be extended by programming the SBE 25 to average the 8 Hz data over longer intervals. Simultaneous with recording, real-time data an be transmitted over single-core, armored cable directly to your PC's serial port (maximum transmission distance dependent on number of auxiliary sensors, baud rate, and cable properties). Recorded data are transferred via RS-232 interface to a computer for processing. Alkaline or rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride or Nickel-Cadmium batteries can be used. External power and two-way real-time communication over 10,000 meters of cable can be provided with the SBE 36 CTD Deck Unit and the Power and Data Interface Module (PDIM).
A standard SBE 25 is supplied with:
Options include:
SEASOFT© V2, our complete Windows 2000/XP software package, is included at no extra charge. Its modular programs include:
SEALOGGER CTD has seven 12-bit A/D input channels for optional auxiliary sensors: 4 single-ended, 2 differential (for fluorometer), and 1 log amplified (for PAR sensor).
Battery endurance is approximately 24 hours with standard alkaline batteries, 17 hours with optional NiMH batteries, or 8 hours with optional Ni-Cad batteries.
Memory capacity is 8 MByte. Communications protocol is 600 to 38.4K baud (software selectable), 7 data bits, 1 stop bit, even parity. At maximum baud rate and 8 MByte memory, transfer time is approximately 80 minutes.
Each sample (scan) of temperature, conductivity, and pressure uses 8 bytes. Up to 7 auxiliary voltages can be logged, each requiring 1.5 bytes per sample. Maximum configuration of CTD and auxiliary voltages is 18.5 bytes per scan.
Measurement Range | Initial Accuracy | Resolution | |
Conductivity |
0 - 7 S/m (0-70 mmho/cm) |
0.0003 S/m (0.003 mmho/cm) |
0.00004 S/m (0.0004 mmho/cm) |
Temperature (°C) | -5 to +35 | 0.002 | 0.0003 |
Pressure |
0 to
20 / 100 / 350 / 600 / 1000 / 2000/ 3500 / 7000 meters (expressed in meters of deployment depth capability) |
0.1% of full scale range | 0.015% of full scale range |
Housing | Depth | Material | Weight in air 1 | Weight in water 1 |
Standard | 600 m (1,000 psia) | acetal plastic | 16.6 kg (37 lbs) | |
Optional | 6800 m (10,000 psia) | 7075 aluminum | 19.4 kg (43 lbs) | 10.2 kg (23 lbs) |
1 Including all standard components and cage. |
Documentation -- manual, photos, technical papers, application notes, etc.
Sales Information -- options, accessories, cables, mount kits, spares, etc.
Software -- components of Seasoft V2
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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